Greenstone Legacy Manuals
These manuals are the original Greenstone 2 manuals. They are currently out of date and are included here for reference purposes. Please consult the main wiki first.
HTML versions are available here.
- User's Guide:
This manual provides a comprehensive description of how to use the Greenstone software for accessing and building digital library collections. Updated for Greenstone 2.70. English, French, Spanish and Russian PDFs can be downloaded from sourceforge
Wiki manuals: English Spanish French Russian
Other translations: 2.39 Kazakh (PDF) 2.39 Vietnamese (PDF) 2.70 Arabic (Doc)
- Installer's Guide:
This document explains how to install Greenstone so that you can run it on your own computer. Updated for Greenstone 2.50. English, French, Spanish and Russian PDFs can be downloaded from sourceforge
Wiki manuals: English Spanish French Russian Arabic Portuguese (Brazil)
Other translations: 2.39 Kazakh (PDF) 2.39 Vietnamese (PDF) 2.50 Arabic (HTML)
- Developer's Guide:
This manual explains how Greenstone works. It is aimed at those who wish to customise collections and to develop and maintain the software. Updated for Greenstone 2.50. English, French, Spanish and Russian PDFs can be downloaded from sourceforge
Wiki manuals: English Spanish French Russian
- From Paper to Collection:
This document describes the entire process of creating a digital library collection from paper documents. This includes the scanning and OCR process and the use of the "Organizer". Updated for Greenstone 2.50. English, French, Spanish and Russian PDFs can be downloaded from sourceforge
Wiki manuals: English Spanish French Russian
Other translations: 2.39 Kazakh (PDF) 2.39 Vietnamese (PDF)
- Inside Greenstone Collections:
The document presents and explains the configuration files for a few actual Greenstone collections, and also gives an example of how Greenstone's appearance can be customized.
2.40 English (PDF)
For technical info on editing and exporting the wikified manuals, see this page.
Kazakh versions thanks to UNESCO Almaty and Vietnamese versions thanks to Integrated e-Solutions Ltd, Saigon.
legacy/manuals.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/13 01:46 by