Appendix B Glossary of terms
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Term | Meaning |
autoconf | Unix program used to configure the Greenstone software installation package to suit your system |
Autorun | Windows feature that starts a program automatically whenever a CD-ROM is inserted |
Boolean query | Query to an information retrieval system that may contain AND, OR, NOT |
Browsing | Accessing a collection by scanning an organized list of metadata values associated with the documents (such as author, title, date, keywords) |
buildcol.pl | Greenstone program used to build collections |
Building | Process of creating the indexing and browsing structures that are used to access a collection |
C++ | Programming language in which the majority of the Greenstone software is written |
Casefolding | Making uppercase and lowercase words look the same, for searching purposes |
CGI | Common Gateway Interface, a scheme that allows users to activate programs on the host computer by clicking on web pages |
CGI script | Code associated with a button, menu, or link on a web page that specifies what the host computer is to do when it is clicked |
cgi-bin | Directory in which CGI scripts are stored |
Classifier | Greenstone code module that examines document metadata to form an index for browsing |
Collection | Set of documents that are brought together under a uniform searching and browsing interface |
Collection configuration file | File that specifies how a collection is to be imported and built, what indexes and language interfaces are to be provided, etc. |
Collection server | Program responsible for providing access to a collection when it is being used |
Configuration file | See collection configuration file, main configuration file, site configuration file |
CVS | Concurrent Versioning System, a scheme for maintaining source code used throughout Greenstone |
db2txt | Greenstone tool for viewing a GDBM database as text (see GDBM) |
Demo collection | A subset of the Humanities Development Library, distributed with the Greenstone software and used for illustration in this tutorial |
Digital library | Collection of digital objects (text, audio, video), along with methods for access and retrieval, and for selection, organization, and maintenance |
DL | Development Library, A Greenstone collection of humanitarian information for developing countries |
Document | Basic unit from which digital library collections are constructed; it may include text, graphics, sound, video, etc. |
Dublin core | A standard way of describing metadata |
Fast CGI | Facility that allows CGI scripts to remain continuously active so that they do not have to be restarted from scratch every time they are invoked |
Filter program | That part of a Greenstone collection server that implements querying and browsing operations |
Format string | A string that specifies how documents and other listings are to be displayed in Greenstone |
GB-encoding | Standard way of encoding the Chinese language |
GDBM | Gnu DataBase Manager, a program used within the Greenstone software to store metadata for each document |
GIMP | Gnu Image-Manipulation Program used (on Unix) to create icons in Greenstone |
GML | Greenstone Markup Language, an XML-compliant format used for storing documents internally |
Gnu license | Software license that permits users to copy and distribute computer programs freely, and modify them—so long as all modifications are made publicly available |
Greenstone | The name of this digital library software |
GSDL | Abbreviation for Greenstone Digital Library |
%GSDLHOME% | Operating system variable that represents the top-level directory in which all Greenstone programs and collections are stored ($GSDLHOME on Unix systems) |
%GSDLOS% | Operating system variable that represents the operating system currently being used ($GSDLOS on Unix systems) |
hashfile | Greenstone program used at import or build time to generate the OID of each document |
HTML | HyperText Markup Language, the language in which web documents are written |
import.pl | Greenstone program used to import documents |
Importing | Process of bringing collections of documents into the Greenstone system |
Index | Information structure that is used for searching or browsing a collection |
InstallShield | Windows program, used by Greenstone CD-ROMs, that allows a system to be installed from a CD-ROM |
Main configuration file | File that contains specifications common to all collections served by this site |
Metadata | Descriptive data such as author, title, date, keywords, and so on, that is associated with a document (or document collection) |
MG | Managing Gigabytes, a program used by the Greenstone system for full-text indexing, that incorporates compression techniques (see Witten, I.H., Moffat, A. and Bell, T. Managing Gigabytes: compressing and indexing documents and images, Morgan Kaufmann, second edition, 1999) |
mgbuild | MG program for building a compressed full-text index |
mgquery | MG program for querying a compressed full-text index |
mkcol.pl | Greenstone program that creates and initializes the directory structure for a new collection |
New Zealand <br/>Digital Library Project | Research project in the Computer Science Department at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, that created the Greenstone software ( nzdl.org ) |
OID | Object Identifier, a unique identification code associated with a document |
Perl | Programming language used for many of the text-processing operations that occur during the building process |
Ping | Message sent to a system to determine whether it is running or not |
Plugin | Code module for handling documents of different formats, used during the importing and building processes |
Protocol | Set of conventions by which a Greenstone receptionist communicates with a collection server |
Ranked query | Natural-language query to an information retrieval system, for which the documents that match the query are sorted in order of relevance |
Receptionist | Program that organizes the Greenstone user interface |
RTF | Rich Text Format, a standard format for interchange of text documents |
Searching | Accessing a collection through a full-text search of its contents (or parts of contents, such as section titles) |
Server | See Collection server and Web server |
setup.bat, setup.sh, setup.csh | Script used to set up your environment to recognize the Greenstone software |
Site configuration file | File that contains specifications used to configure the Greenstone software for the site on which it is installed |
Stemming | Stripping endings off a query term to make it more general |
STL | Standard template library, a widely-available library of C++ code developed by Silicon Graphics |
txt2db | Greenstone program used at build time to create the GDBM database |
Unicode | Standard scheme for representing the character sets used in the world's languages |
UNU | The United Nations University; also used to refer to a Greenstone collection created for that organization |
Web server | Standard program that computers use to make information accessible over the World Wide Web |
XML | A standard format for structured documents and data on the web (the Greenstone Markup Language is an XML-compliant format) |
legacy/manuals/en/user/appendix_b_glossary_of_terms.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/13 01:46 by