User Contributed Documentation
- Creating a Digital Library In Greenstone White paper written by DL Consulting that discusses the fundamentals of creating a digital library.
- Creating digital libraries based on CDS/ISIS databases (En Español) John B. Rose and Pablo Morete
- Building up a Digital Library with Greenstone: a Self-Instructional Guide for Beginners K Rajasekharan and K M Nafala
- Easy Ways to Customize the Display of Greenstone Pages K Rajasekharan and K M Nafala
- Creating a Greenstone Digital Library with Winisis Database K Rajasekharan and K M Nafala
- Converting a Winisis database into a Greenstone digital library K Rajasekharan and K M Nafala
- Digital Archiving Of Audio Content - Using Winisis And Greenstone Software (PDF) (Doc) Published by UNESCO New Delhi office. A manual for digital archiving of community radio contents that will be useful to the Community Radio Stations in developing countries for archiving audio digital content.
en/user_contributed_documentation.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/13 01:46 by