OK, I've installed Greenstone. Now how do I make it go?
What web browser do I need to view Greenstone collections?
When I start the Windows local library there are two buttons in the dialog box, "Enter Library" and "Restricted Version". They both seem to do the same thing, what's the difference?
So when should I use the "Restricted Version" of the local library?
When I start the Windows local library my computer asks me to dial up my Internet Service Provider. Do I really need to be online to run Greenstone?
I'm trying to use the Windows local library. My web browser is starting up as expected but the Greenstone home page never gets loaded or gives an error message. What's wrong?
Where can I get more Greenstone collections?
When I attempt to access certain parts of Greenstone I'm asked for a username and password. What do I enter?
When I use the large query box function I occassionally get a Not Found error.
How do I get usage information for my library?
How do I get Greenstone going on Windows Vista?
How do I get rid of a WSASYSNOTREADY error?
GLI's Preview Button can't successfully launch a web page in Firefox (or another web browser)
I've lost my username and password, what can I do?
What is the "Greenstone Librarian Interface"?
What is "the Collector"?
How do I build a collection from the command line or DOS prompt?
I built a new Greenstone collection on my Windows machine. Everything appeared to work fine while building, however when I tried to view the collection some of the documents contained no text. Sometimes Greenstone appeared to crash completely. What have I done wrong?
Why won't the Collector's "export to CD-ROM" function work?
I'm trying to use the Collector on Windows 2000 but it's running extremely slowly. Is this normal?
What is "the Organizer"?
Where do I get the Organizer?
I'm attempting to build a collection with the collector but it keeps failing with an error. What am I doing wrong?
What options are available for the collect.cfg file?
Where can I find some example collect.cfg configuration files?
How can I build my collection using MGPP?
How do I fix XML::Parser errors during import.pl?
Are there any limits to the size of collections?
How do I enter non-English metadata in GLI?
How do I change the search results order?
What's the difference between MG, MGPP and Lucene?
How do I build my collection incrementally?
Can I build collections using the Librarian Interface on a remote server?
What is the depositor?
Can I get any information about the metadata coverage in my collection?
How to manually specify filenames in metadata.xml?
What is the Windows Key and where is it located?
How do I open a terminal (called DOS console) in Windows?
How do I copy text (such as error messages) that are printed on the DOS console?
How do I open Windows Explorer to navigate and browse through folders on Windows?
How do I manually (re)build a collection?
Running GLI in debug mode: GLI failed to start up properly, how do I find out what just happened?
Getting better error reporting in GLI (the Greenstone Librarian Interface)
Are there really multiple copies of my resource documents stored in my Greenstone installation?
How can I customize the appearance of my Greenstone collection?
What are the formatting options available for my collection?
How can I hyperlink individual metadata elements?
How can I hide the dummy text "This document has no text"?
How do I suppress the link to the Greenstone text version of a document?
How do I add cover images for my documents?
How do I link to other sections of my document?
How do I link to the next or previous search result in a document page?
How do I search multiple collections at the same time?
How do I handle diacritics?
Can I customise the Date format?
How do I use Realistic Books in my collection?
The internal links between my
HTML pages don't work in the built collection
HTML page links to an MP3 file, but the link doesn't work in the built collection
My MP3 files are being truncated by the browser
How do I add a new button to the navigation bar?
How to use the filter_text() function to handle diacritics
How to build CD/DVD-ROMs from collections for redistribution
How to integrate Greenstone collections into LOCKSS systems
Moving data into and out of METS formated data
Documentation for creating media streaming video library in Greenstone
E-commerce and Greenstone, monetizing library and archive collections
Lucene configuration - the Lucene command interface to access proximity search, fuzzy search, and soundex search]].
Installing Imagemagick on
Explaining Plugins
Collection specific plugins
MetadataCSVPlug notes
Converting very large CDS/ISIS databases to Greenstone Collections
Changing the prefix for incremental OIDs a quick hack that is occasionally useful.
Title, ex.Title and dc.Title notes some helpful details.
customising export
Installing Greenstone3 for
OS X users
Useful searching methods in Greenstone2 (in French)
A "step-by-step" for importing some non-standard Excel files to Greenstone