Browsing Classifier | Description |
AZCompactList | Classifier plugin for sorting alphabetically (on a-z, A-Z, 0-9). Produces a horizontal A-Z list, then a vertical list containing documents, or bookshelves for documents with common metadata. |
AZCompactSectionList | Variation on AZCompactList that classifies sections rather than documents. Entries are sorted by section-level metadata. |
AZList | Classifier plugin for sorting alphabetically (on a-z, A-Z, 0-9). Produces a horizontal A-Z list, with documents listed underneath. |
AZSectionList | Variation on AZList that classifies sections rather that documents. Entries are sorted by section-level metadata. |
DateList | Classifier plugin for sorting by date. By default, sorts by 'Date' metadata. Dates are assumed to be in the form yyyymmdd or yyyy-mm-dd. |
Hierarchy | Classifier plugin for generating a hierarchical classification. This may be based on structured metadata, or may use a supplementary structure file (use the -hfile option). |
List | A general and flexible list classifier with most of the abilities of AZCompactList, but with better Unicode, metadata and sorting capabilities. |
RecentDocumentsList | Classifier that gives a list of newly added or modified documents. |
SectionList | Same as List classifier but includes all sections of document (excluding top level) rather than just top level document itself. |
SimpleList | Simple list classifier plugin. |