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en:release:2.87_release_notes [2024/08/12 22:08] – [Remote Greenstone] kjdonen:release:2.87_release_notes [2024/08/12 22:11] (current) – [Installing a source release] kjdon
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 When the installation process is finished, you can run the Greenstone Server or the Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI). When the installation process is finished, you can run the Greenstone Server or the Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI).
 +==== Uninstallation ====
 +On Windows, the uninstaller is accessible from the Start menu.
 +For most people under Linux systems, a Greenstone installation can be removed with the usual //rm// command. However, by using this method, any collections you've created will also be deleted. If you're on Linux or Mac and wish to uninstall Greenstone, the recommended way to do so is by using the Uninstaller, as this will give you the option to retain your collections. To launch the Uninstaller, you can either run "bash" from the //uninstall// folder, or will first need to give execute permissions to the uninstall/ file in your Greenstone installation before you can run it:
 +<code>cd uninstall
 +chmod u+rx
 ===== Running the Greenstone Server ===== ===== Running the Greenstone Server =====
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 **To change the GLI interface language**, run GLI, go to the ''File > Preferences'' menu. Then in the General tab, set the Interface Language. If your script is not covered by the Latin 1 charset, then you may also need to set the Font to something that supports your script. In such a case, try setting the value for the ''Font'' field to ''Arial Unicode MS, BOLD, 12''. **To change the GLI interface language**, run GLI, go to the ''File > Preferences'' menu. Then in the General tab, set the Interface Language. If your script is not covered by the Latin 1 charset, then you may also need to set the Font to something that supports your script. In such a case, try setting the value for the ''Font'' field to ''Arial Unicode MS, BOLD, 12''.
Line 108: Line 113:
 **NOTE:** If GLI's Preview Button does not succeed in launching the browser with the collection URL, consult [[en:troubleshooting#GLI's_Preview_Button_fails_to_launch_a_web_page| this page]] for a suggested solution. **NOTE:** If GLI's Preview Button does not succeed in launching the browser with the collection URL, consult [[en:troubleshooting#GLI's_Preview_Button_fails_to_launch_a_web_page| this page]] for a suggested solution.
-==== Uninstallation ==== 
-On Windows, the uninstaller is accessible from the Start menu. 
-For most people under Linux systems, a Greenstone installation can be removed with the usual //rm// command. However, by using this method, any collections you've created will also be deleted. If you're on Linux or Mac and wish to uninstall Greenstone, the recommended way to do so is by using the Uninstaller, as this will give you the option to retain your collections. To launch the Uninstaller, you can either run "bash" from the //uninstall// folder, or will first need to give execute permissions to the uninstall/ file in your Greenstone installation before you can run it: 
-<code>cd uninstall 
-chmod u+rx 
 ===== Important Changes and Bug Fixes ===== ===== Important Changes and Bug Fixes =====
Line 325: Line 323:
   * To attempt the same on Linux, try typing ''xdg-open %1'' (or if you are specifically on a gnome system, then try ''gnome-open %1'', while on a kde system you'd use ''kde-open %1''). Beware that not all Unix systems support a signal command to open applications, so you may need to use custom commands like ''firefox %1'' to launch in a browser, or ''gedit %1'' to open with a text editor, etc.   * To attempt the same on Linux, try typing ''xdg-open %1'' (or if you are specifically on a gnome system, then try ''gnome-open %1'', while on a kde system you'd use ''kde-open %1''). Beware that not all Unix systems support a signal command to open applications, so you may need to use custom commands like ''firefox %1'' to launch in a browser, or ''gedit %1'' to open with a text editor, etc.
 ==== Working with Remote Greenstone and the GLI-Client ==== ==== Working with Remote Greenstone and the GLI-Client ====
 +The Client-GLI is the version of the Greenstone Librarian Interface that can be run on a machine different to the one that is running the Greenstone server. The server needs to be set up to work as a remote server, and Client-GLI can be run on a different machine, connecting to that server.
 **Instructions** **Instructions**
Line 388: Line 388:
   * Press the Submit button.   * Press the Submit button.
 +=== Client-GLI ===
 9. You can connect to this server from the Client-GLI application included with any Greenstone installation. Either on the current machine or another machine (assuming you want the Greenstone server on one machine and the client on another), use the "Remote Librarian Interface (Client-GLI)" shortcut to launch Client-GLI. Alternatively, you can launch it from the command line, such as by opening a new DOS prompt, going to the gli folder of your Greenstone 2 installation, and running client-gli.bat. E.g. 9. You can connect to this server from the Client-GLI application included with any Greenstone installation. Either on the current machine or another machine (assuming you want the Greenstone server on one machine and the client on another), use the "Remote Librarian Interface (Client-GLI)" shortcut to launch Client-GLI. Alternatively, you can launch it from the command line, such as by opening a new DOS prompt, going to the gli folder of your Greenstone 2 installation, and running client-gli.bat. E.g.
Line 398: Line 399:
   * If your client-gli is running from a different machine to where your Greenstone server is running, you need to specify the name of that remote machine hosting the Greenstone server:  %%http://<YOUR-MACHINE-NAME:YOURPORT>/greenstone/cgi-bin/   * If your client-gli is running from a different machine to where your Greenstone server is running, you need to specify the name of that remote machine hosting the Greenstone server:  %%http://<YOUR-MACHINE-NAME:YOURPORT>/greenstone/cgi-bin/
-  * If the client-gli is running on the same machine, you can generally type "localhost":  %%http://localhost/greenstone/cgi-bin/  * If the client-gli is running on the same machine, you can generally type "localhost":  %%http://localhost:<port>/greenstone/cgi-bin/
Line 404: Line 405:
-12. The client-GLI dialog should finally open, and it will look and behave mostly the same as the usual (local) GLI.+12. The client-GLI dialog should finally open, and it will look and behave mostly the same as the usual (local) GLI, except that most of the document processing takes place on the remote machine where the Greenstone server is running
en/release/2.87_release_notes.1723500534.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/12 22:08 by kjdon