This page is in the 'old' namespace, and was imported from our previous wiki. We recommend checking for more up-to-date information using the search box.
You will need:
You can get the source code from SVN (as described below) or alternatively, you can either get the source distribution or, during the installation of the binary distribution, choose to include the source code (for these see Where to get the source to install from.
For example, I got svn-1.4.6-setup.exe from
svn co greenstone2
which will checkout Greenstone 2 source code into a new folder called "greenstone2".
This is required to get the conversion tools used for importing different types of files, such as wvware.
For example:
cd C:\greenstone2\bin
svn co windows
Follow the instructions at Compiling Greenstone, the Windows section.
svn co gli
cd gli makegli.bat
cd .. setup.bat
Still in the top-level Greenstone 2 folder, make a copy of the file glisite.cfg and name it gsdlsite.cfg. Then open up the original (glisite.cfg) and change the following two lines to become:
autoenter=1 start_browser=0
cd gli gli.bat