General Information
Obtaining Greenstone3
Where do I get Greenstone3 from?
Are there binary distributions of Greenstone3 available?
Is Greenstone3 available on CD-ROM?
Is the Greenstone3 source code available through a Version Control System?
Installing Greenstone3
How do I compile Greenstone3 from a source or SVN distribution?
I get errors during compilation - Help!
How do I load Greenstone3 as a project into Eclipse?
How do I install Greenstone3 on a Mac
How do I install the remote building facility for Greenstone3?
How do I install Greenstone 3 on 64 bit Windows 7?
Running Greenstone3
Building Greenstone3 Collections
Customizing your Collection
*Adding collection-specific service text strings
Customizing Your Greenstone3 Library
Greenstone3 interoperability | Greenstone3 interoperability