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Simple instructions for compiling Greenstone from source distribution or SVN checkout.
For more detailed instructions and platform specific notes, please see this page.
The "standard" commands of
$ ./configure $ make $ make install
should (hopefully) be all that is required.
If you get complaints about not finding gdbm, use the –with-gdbm=/full/path/to/your/gdbm/directory option to configure
You will probably need to use GNU make.
The Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI) code is written in Java, and compiling it requires a suitable version of the Java Software Development Kit (version 1.4.0 or newer). To compile this source code, run from the gsdl/gli directory.
A detailed walkthrough for installing from source on Linux is available here.
All compilation is currently done through a terminal.
Same basic instructions as for Unix. GDBM is not installed by default, so you will need to install it, then use the –with-gdbm=/full/path/to/your/gdbm/directory option to configure
We have tested compilation of Greenstone 2 with Visual C++ versions 6.0 and 7.0 (Visual Studio.NET 2003). Our distribution includes a cut-down port of the gdbm library for windows.
You can use either use the automated compile script to compile up Greenstone 2.81rc2 and subsequent releases, or compile manually.
Automated compiling by using the makegs2.bat script is possible for Greenstone 2 versions after 2.81rc.
And it should compile up Greenstone 2 for you.
You will need Visual C++ of Visual Studio and, if compiling the Apache web server, Microsoft's SDK (in order to have access to windows.h).
* nmake /f win32.mak * nmake /f win32.mak LOCAL_LIBRARY=1
The above will compile up Greenstone followed by what's needed for the local library.
nmake /f win32.mak APACHE_HTTPD=1
And finally, if at any stage you want to compile it with debugging turned on, run the compile command with the flag DEBUG=1.
* gsdl\common-src\packages\windows\crypt * gsdl\common-src\packages\windows\expat * gsdl\common-src\packages\windows\gdbm * gsdl\common-src\indexers\packages\windows\iconv
You can use the included gzip.exe and tar.exe in the gsdl\bin\windows folder to decompress and untar it. First run setup.bat from your Greenstone 2 installation folder:
> cd gsdl > setup.bat
Now move into the gsdl\common-src\packages\sqlite and unzip the sqlite-amalgamation-3.5.9.tar.gz file, and then untar the resulting file:
> cd common-src\packages\sqlite > gzip --decompress sqlite-amalgamation-3.5.9.tar.gz > tar -xf sqlite-amalgamation-3.5.9.tar
And finally delete the intermediate tar file:
> del sqlite-amalgamation-3.5.9.tar
* nmake /f win32.mak * nmake /f win32.mak LOCAL_LIBRARY=1
The Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI) code is written in Java, and compiling it requires a suitable version of the Java Software Development Kit (version 1.4.0 or newer). To compile this source code, run <tt>makegli.bat</tt> from the <tt>gsdl\gli</tt> directory.