Table of Contents

Greenstone Subversion (SVN) Repository

The Greenstone source code is kept under version-control in a subversion repository. For information about using SVN see this page, or the subversion book.

Repository Structure

The basic structure of the repository is

The main area is where the core source code lives. It is made up of branches, tags and trunk. The trunk is the main line of development of the source code. Tags are used to mark the repository at each release point. Branches are used to develop features on the sideline without disrupting the main trunk.

The important projects inside main are:

gs2build is a package of greenstone 2 collection building code that is used by the greenstone 3 software.

Greenstone checkout


To checkout the Greenstone 3 source code from our server do the following:

svn co greenstone3

Then from the greenstone3 folder, run

ant prepare

This will checkout gli, gs2build and download any additional files it needs.

ant install

compiles and installs the code.

Once you have the code you may update it at any time by changing to the greenstone3 directory and running:

ant svnupdate

will update all the code through svn, or

ant update

will update, clean then recompile and install.

Please see our compiling page for notes about compiling Greenstone.


To checkout the Greenstone 2 source code from our server do the following:

svn co greenstone2

To checkout the Greenstone Librarian Interface source code, change to the greenstone2 directory and do the following:

svn co gli

Once you have the code you may update it at any time by changing to the greenstone2 directory and typing:

svn update
svn update gli

Please see our compiling page for notes about compiling Greenstone.


Line Endings

All of the line endings in the repository files are linux-style (\n) line endings. We ask that you do not check in files which do not conform to this standard. Therefore, we recommend finding a suitable editor for your platform, which uses this style of line ending.