Old notes about Dspace installation.
* modify /home/chi/local/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf => tcpip_socket = true * modify /home/chi/local/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf => host all chi trust => recommended by DSPace: host dspace chi md5
dspace.url : https://toetoe.cs.waikato.ac.nz:9090/dspace dspace.hostname: toetoe.cs.waikato.ac.nz dspace.name: ds.username: chi db.password: letmein mail.server: smtp.cs.waikato.ac.nz mail.from.address: feedback.recipient: mail.admin: alert.recipiemt: [email protected] Note that if you change dspace.dir, you'll also need to change other properties with values that start with /dspace e.g. assetstore, dir, log.dir
*create the directory for the DSpace installation: /home/chi/local/dspace; chown chi [[dspace]] * cd [[dspace-source]]; ant fresh_install * cp [[dspace-source]]/build/*.war [[tomcat]]/webapps * create an initial administrator : [[dspace]]/bin/create-administrator
$ postmaster -D /home/chi/local/pgsql/data >logfile 2>&1 & or $ pg_ctl stop -D /home/chi/local/pgsql/data This will enable the server run as a background
$ cd /reseach/chi/gsdl3/comms/jakarta/tomcat/bin $ startup.sh (shutdown.sh to shutdown the server)
solution from the Web:
Check which version of java your system is trying to use in the path, the script that [[dspace]]\bin\dsrun (which create-administrator calls) uses the version it finds in the path (it ignores JAVA_HOME)
The two solutions that I know of is to modify the path for your system so that no other versions of java exist in it, or to modify the [[dspace]]\bin\dsrun script to reference the correct version of java. AFAIK, this only effects this one particular script (and not the normal operations of dspace or tomcat).
Add this line in dsrun: PATH=/opt/sun-jdk-$PATH
$ /home/chi/local/dspace $ bin/dsrun org.dspace.app.itemimport.ItemImport --add [email protected] --collection=collectionID --source=item_dir --mapfile=mapfile or $ bin/dsrun org.dspace.app.itemimport.ItemImport -a -e [email protected] -c collectionID -s item_dir -m mapfile
$ /home/chi/local/dspace $ bin/dsrun org.dspace.app.itemexport.ItemExport --type=COLLECTION --id=collID --dest=dest_dir --number=seq_num or $ bin/dsrun org.dspace.app.itemexport.ItemExport --type=ITEM --id=itemID --dest=dest_dir --number=seq_num
$ /home/chi/local/dspace $ bin/dsrun org.dspace.app.mets.METSExport --item [[handle]] or $ bin/dsrun org.dspace.app.mets.METSExport --collection hdl:1234567898 or $ bin/dsrun org.dspace.app.mets.METSExport --all
user : [email protected] password: chi (letmein)
postgres dbname postgres -B nBuffers -C -D DataDir -E -F -O -P -Q -S SortSize -d DebugLevel -e -o OutputFile -s -v protocol dbname
$ pg_ctl stop -D /home/chi/local/pgsql/data
$ cd /reseach/chi/gsdl3/comms/jakarta/tomcat/bin> shutdown.sh