Table of Contents

This page is in the 'old' namespace, and was imported from our previous wiki. We recommend checking for more up-to-date information using the search box.

How do I copy from and paste into GLI on a Macintosh (why don't Apple-C and Apple-V work)?

On a Mac, copy and paste in GLI uses the Windows (and Linux) keys:


What is the Windows Key and where is it located?

The Windows key is a key on a Windows computer keyboard that is located between the Ctrl and Alt keys.

How do I open a terminal (called DOS console) in Windows?

On Windows, you can open a DOS terminal as follows: Hold down your keyboard's Windows key and press the key for letter r. (The Windows key is located between the Ctrl and Alt keys on your keyboard.) In the Run dialog that appears, type "cmd" in the textfield and press the OK button. This will launch a black console screen known as the DOS Prompt.

How do I copy text (such as error messages) that are printed on the DOS console?

There are times you may see error messages appearing in the DOS prompt when running GLI or the Greenstone server. You might want to ask about these error messages on the Greenstone Mailing list. To do so,

To copy any text displayed in the DOS console:

  1. Right click somewhere on the black DOS screen, choose Mark.
  2. Then use your mouse to select (highlight) all relevant text.
  3. Once you've selected the necessary portion of text, hit Enter. (If you make a mistake at any point, you will need to right-click > Mark again before it will allow you to highlight).
  4. Hitting Enter was actually the copy operation, so now that the selected text is in your copy buffer, you can paste it anywhere (such as into an email to the Greenstone mailing list).

How do I open Windows Explorer to navigate and browse through folders on Windows?

Hold down your keyboard's Windows key and press the key for letter e. (What is the Windows Key and where is it located?) This will open the Windows Explorer window. In the left column is the folder view: a tree allowing you to traverse the computer's folder (directory) structure. You can use the Windows Explorer window to organise your files and folders.

How do I enable user comments?

To allow users to view and add comments to documents:

  1. In the Format Features section of the Format pane of GLI, go to the Choose Feature dropdown and select AllowUserComments.
  2. Press the Add Format button to add this to the list of active Format Features for your collection.
  3. Select the AllowUserComments option that is now in the list and then tick its Enabled button to activate it.
  4. Press the Preview button and visit a document of your collection.

It should now provide a small "Add comment" link at the bottom. Users need to have accounts in your digital library in order to add their own comments, but existing comments once added can be seen by all.