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Configuration, mapping, log and database files


GSDLHOME is the main gsdl or greenstone directory.

Configuration files

Server Configuration files

main.cfg : The main configuration file for the library. Includes things like activation of certain features (administration, collector, depositor, gliapplet, logging), the list of macro files to be used, the list of languages provided, customized default settings for cgi arguments.

gsdlsite.cfg : lives either with library (or library.exe), generally in GSDLHOME/cgi-bin (for a web library) or in the same directory as server.exe (for Windows local library server)

oai.cfg : OAI server configuration file

GLI configuration files

config.xml : Configuration file for local GLI - stores settings such as library address, last collection open, warnings activated or deactivated etc.

configRemote.xml : Separate version for use with GLI client. Basically the same os the local version, but includes gliserver address. Needed so that you can run a local GLI at the same time as running GLI with a remote library server.

Collection configuration files

*.col : GLI configuration file specific to a collection. Includes information about whether the colleciton has been previously imported or built, and stores the import and build options specified in the Create panel for that collection.

collect.cfg : Collection design file. Can be edited by hand, or is automatically generated by the GLI

build.cfg : Generated automatically by collection building process. Includes build statistics, and information about indexes that have been built.

Mapping files

dc2marc-mapping.xml : Maps Dublin Core to MARC field numbers

qdc2marc-mapping.xml : Maps Qualified Dublin Core to MARC field numbers

marctodc.txt : used by MARCPlug for mapping MARC field numbers to Greenstone-style metadata.

Database files

history.db : stores search history information if this has been enabled (on preferences page)

users.db : stores any user account settings generated by the administration facility. These accounts are used by the GLI client and GLI applet.

key.db : stores random keys for users. Used in authenticaion and collector/depositor?? Not sure about this.

Log files

usage.txt : log of all commands sent to the library - only generated if logging is enabled in main.cfg (set logcgiargs to true)

error.txt : log of errors that occurred in the run time library


GSDL3HOME is the main greenstone3 directory. GSDL3WEBHOME is, by default, the GSDL3HOME/web directory, but this may be moved to somewhere else.

Configuration files

Server Configuration files : Some global settings for the server, including gsdl3webhome, proxy information, and library urls.

siteConfig.xml : Configuration file for a site. Contains info such as site-wide services, soap connections to other servers. Replacement rules for text and metadata (used for macro replacement for greenstone 2 collections)

interfaceConfig.xml : Configuration file for an interface. Contains info such as

OAIConfig.xml : the configuration file for the OAI server

GLI Configuration files

config3.xml : Greenstone3 equivalent of config.xml

config3Remote.xml : Greenstone3 equivalent of configRemote.xml

Collection configuration files

collectConfig.xml : Collection design file. Greenstone3 equivalent to collect.cfg. Can be edited by hand, or is automatically generated by the GLI

buildConfig.xml : Generated automatically by collection building process. Greenstone3 equivalent to build.cfg. Includes build statistics, and information about indexes that have been built.

Admin Configuration files

build.xml : Ant build file for compilation, installation and running Greenstone3. : Some properties for ccompilation and installation of Greenstone3. : settings for the runtime logging

Log files

greenstone.log :

server.log :

usage.log :