Table of Contents

This page is in the 'old' namespace, and was imported from our previous wiki. We recommend checking for more up-to-date information using the search box.

All about Macros

What is a macro

Macros define either strings on the interface or variables utilized in C++ codes. By using macros, users can easily customize the user interface without changing any C++ code.

Where and how to define macros

Reference a macro


eg. _home:textpagetitle_ The package name can be omitted if you are referencing a macro from the same package. Check a macro from the defined package. If this macro is not existing, a warning message "macro is not defined" is returned.

How macros work

*Once an action (eg. a=p&p=home) is sent to cgi-bin/library, external macros used for all actions are firstly defined (eg. navigation bar). Then the internal macros of this paticular action is defined. All macros are stored in a kind of hash structure. *Set macro(macroname,package,content) when the action is executed.


Finally display results on the web page.

Macros used on a general page

Learn more about macros using the script

Thanks to Jens Wille -s '.*' _query:pagescriptextra_


*** macro: query:pagescriptextra ***

 * query:pagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 68)
   { _If_("_cgiargqt_" eq "1", _formpagescriptextra_, _selectpagescriptextra_) _If_("_cgiarghd_" ne "0",_historypagescriptextra_) } } -s -d 2 _query:pagescriptextra_


*** macro: query:pagescriptextra ***

 * query:pagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 68)
   * query:formpagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 76)
     * query:formfunctions [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 178)
     * query:searchfunctions [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 478)
     * preferences:standardfunctions [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 82)
     * query:standardfunctions [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 143)
   * query:historypagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 101)
   * query:selectpagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 71)
     * query:dummypagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 72)
     * query:formpagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 76) -r _pagescriptextra_


*** macro: pagescriptextra (reverse) ***

 * Style:globalscripts [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 142)
   { <script> <!-- _imagescript_ _pagescriptextra_ // --> </script> } }

 * homepref:pagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 198)
   { _preferences:pagescriptextra_} } "blank.gif"


*** query: blank.gif ***

 * collector:iconblank [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 42)
   { <img src="_httpimg_/blank.gif">} } --source=/usr/local/gsdl/src/stable/ _collector:pagescriptextra_


*** macro: collector:pagescriptextra ***

 * collector:pagescriptextra [v=0] (SERVER: /usr/local/gsdl/src/stable/src/src/recpt/collectoraction.cpp, line 1058)
   { "_" + collector_page + "scriptextra_" } -i


   entered '' in ***interactive browse mode*** (v0.22)
 [you can get help at any time by typing '.h', '.?', or '.help']

 enter macro name (without package specification) [leave empty to quit]
 > pagescriptextra
 select package for macro 'pagescriptextra' [leave empty to return]
   [1]    Style
   [2]    browse
   [3]    collector
   [4]    homepref
   [5]    preferences
   [6]    query
 > 6

 * query:pagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 68)
 { _If_("_cgiargqt_" eq "1", _formpagescriptextra_, _selectpagescriptextra_)
 _If_("_cgiarghd_" ne "0",_historypagescriptextra_) } }

 [press key to continue]

 select macro [leave empty to return]
   [1]    formpagescriptextra
   [2]    historypagescriptextra
   [3]    selectpagescriptextra
 > 1

 select package for macro 'formpagescriptextra' [leave empty to return]
  [1]    query 
 > 1

 * query:formpagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/, line 76)
 { // query scripts generated by \_query:pagescriptextra\_
 function getsearchargs () \{
   var args="";
   args = "&fqa=0&fqv="+argfqv+"&fqf="+argfqf;
  _If_(_cgiargqf_,args += "&fqk="+argfqk+"&fqs="+argfqs+"&fqc="+argfqc;)
 return args;
 function getqueryargs () \{
   return "&fqa=1"+"&q="+argq+"&fqv="+argfqv+"&fqf="+argfqf+
     "&fqk="+argfqk+"&fqs="+argfqs+"&fqc="+argfqc ;
 } }

 [press key to continue]

 select macro [leave empty to return]
  [1]    formfunctions
  [2]    searchfunctions
  [3]    standardfunctions

 select package for macro 'formpagescriptextra' [leave empty to return]
  [1]    query

 select macro [leave empty to return]
  [1]    formpagescriptextra
  [2]    historypagescriptextra
  [3]    selectpagescriptextra

 select package for macro 'pagescriptextra' [leave empty to return]
  [1]    Style
  [2]    browse
  [3]    collector
  [4]    homepref
  [5]    preferences
  [6]    query

 enter macro name (without package specification) [leave empty to quit]

Miscellaneous things













'I'm feeling lucky' facility

There is a _useifeellucky_ macro in;

(Thanks Michael)

Page-Specific Style

To have unique background images for the search page and all of the classifier pages:

1. In the Collection Specific Macros section of the Format view in GLI, add the following below all other text:

package document

_collectionspecificstyle_  {
<style type="text/css">
body.bgimage \{ background: url("_httpimages_/browse_document:cltop_.jpg") scroll repeat-y left top; \}

package query

_collectionspecificstyle_  {
<style type="text/css">
body.bgimage \{ background: url("_httpimages_/search.jpg") scroll repeat-y left top; \}

[The document package effects the classifier pages, while the query package effects the search page. If you already have some collection specific style entered, the _Style:collectionspecificstyle_ macro ensures it is included on the pages, as well. The _document:cltop_ macro will resolve to the classifier number of the page you are on (CL1, CL2, CL3…).]

2. Put all of your background images into the Greenstone/web/images folder, and (assuming your classifiers are in the order you stated) rename them:

You should now have unique background images for each of these pages.

If you want to have different background images for the about, preferences, and help pages, as well, you can add similar macros under package about, package preferences, and package help, respectively. Simply replace the package name and image:

package {name}

_collectionspecificstyle_  {
<style type="text/css">
body.bgimage \{ background: url("_httpimages_/{image}") scroll repeat-y left top; \}

Otherwise, the background for these pages will remain as it is.