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Excel Processing Using DatabasePlugin

This describes my experience of getting DBPlug to process MS excel files.

 $sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM Sheet1';

Important: the perl excel driver module used in this testing assumes TABLE = Worksheet and the contents of first row of each worksheet as column name. (Sheet1 is the name of the first worksheet of phonebook.xls). Be aware that the worksheet name is case-sensitive.

    "name" => "Title",
    "address" => "text",
    "id" => "Identifier",

This is a mapping between column names in the Sheet1 worksheet, and metadata names in the Greenstone archive files.

Notes about Perl modules.

 perl Makefile.PL INSTALLSITELIB="$GSDLHOME/perllib/cpan/perl-5.8" <br/> PREFIX="$GSDLHOME/perllib/cpan/XXX" SITEPREFIX="$GSDLHOME/perllib/cpan" 
 make test
 make install

This installs the modules into $GSDLHOME/perllib/cpan/perl-5.8

(XXX in the perl line should be set to the first component of the module name, e.g. DBI,DBD,SQL,etc)

Note:for more information about using DBD::Excel, please refer to the perl files in the sample directory included in the Module.