Important Files


GSDL3HOME is the main greenstone3 directory. GSDL3WEBHOME is, by default, the GSDL3HOME/web directory, but this may be moved to somewhere else.

==== Log files ==== greenstone.log :

  • lives in GSDL3WEBHOME/logs

server.log :

usage.log :


GSDLHOME is the main gsdl or greenstone directory.

==== Mapping files ==== dc2marc-mapping.xml : Maps Dublin Core to MARC field numbers

  • lives in GSDLHOME/etc

qdc2marc-mapping.xml : Maps Qualified Dublin Core to MARC field numbers

  • lives in GSDLHOME/etc

marctodc.txt : used by MARCPlug for mapping MARC field numbers to Greenstone-style metadata.

  • lives in GSDLHOME/etc

==== Database files ==== history.db : stores search history information if this has been enabled (on preferences page)

  • lives in GSDLHOME/etc

users.db : stores any user account settings generated by the administration facility. These accounts are used by the GLI client and GLI applet.

  • lives in GSDLHOME/etc

key.db : stores random keys for users. Used in authentication and collector/depositor?? Not sure about this.

  • lives in GSDLHOME/etc

==== Log files ==== usage.txt : log of all commands sent to the library - only generated if logging is enabled in main.cfg (set logcgiargs to true)

  • lives in GSDLHOME/etc

error.txt : log of errors that occurred in the run time library

  • lives in GSDLHOME/etc