Collection Grouping

By default, the Greenstone home page will display a grid of all valid collections. This can get quite crowded if there are a number of collections. "Collection groups" enables collections to be grouped into a subset with only one icon/link on the home page. Clicking the Group icon takes you to a group 'about page', which displays all the collections in that group.


Grouping in Greenstone 3 is controlled by the groupConfig.xml file, found in a site folder alongside the siteConfig.xml file. For example, in /home/user/greenstone3/web/sites/localsite/groupConfig.xml.

By default, there are no groups.

Add hierarchy and groupDescriptions elements to add groups to your library.

Describe your structure inside a hierarchy tag as shown in the examples below.

Hierarchies can contain groups and/or collections. Groups can contain other groups and/or collections. The order they are listed is the order they will appear on the home page.

Describe your groups in groupDescriptions element as shown in the example below. Without a matching group element in groupDescriptions, a group will display its name.

If a collection is not mentioned in the hierarchy or as part of a group it will be listed on the main home page after the specified groups and collections.

Example 1: this example puts a few Greenstone demo collections into some groups. The home page will display the demo group plus any unlisted collections. The demo group home page will display its two subgroups; their home pages will display their list of collections.

    <group name="demo">
      <group name="standard">
	<collection name="solr-jdbm-demo" />
	<collection name="lucene-jdbm-demo" />
      <group name="dec">
	<collection name="bibtex-e"/>
	<collection name="dls-e"/>
	<collection name="garish-e"/>
	<collection name="isis-e"/>
    <group name="demo">
      <title>Demo Collections</title>
      <description>Collections for demonstration purposes, provided by the Greenstone project.</description>
      <shortDescription>Greenstone demonstration collections</shortDescription>
    <group name="standard">
      <title>Standard Demos</title>
      <description>These collections are the standard demonstration collections that come with a Greenstone binary release.</description>
      <shortDescription>Demonstration collections that come with the Greenstone binary.</shortDescription>
    <group name="dec">
      <title>Documented Example Collections</title>
      <description>These documented example collections describe how they are constructed on their about page. Useful for learning about different Greenstone features.</description>
      <shortDescription>Collections that describe how they were built.</shortDescription>

Example 2: If you want to put your collections into a specific order, you can list them in the hierarchy. Any unmentioned collections will be listed at the end. This example has no groups, but is a way of specifying which order you want the collections to appear on the home page.

    <collection name="solr-jdbm-demo"/>
    <collection name="lucene-jdbm-demo"/>
    <collection name="paradise-gardens"/>


This is accomplished by putting a group folder inside the collect folder (greenstone2/collect). All collections belonging to that group need to be moved into the group subfolder.

Then a collect.cfg configuration file is needed for the group. This lives in an etc folder inside the group. The format is a very cut down version of a standard collection's config file. The key item is the collectgroup specifier.

creator       [email protected]
maintainer    [email protected]
public        true
collectgroup  true

collectionmeta collectionname    "groupA"
collectionmeta iconcollection    ""
collectionmeta collectionextra   "This is a group of special collections"