SectionList classifier

Same as List classifier but includes all sections of document (excluding top level) rather than just top level document itself.

The following table lists all of the configuration options available for SectionList.

SectionList Options
No options come directly from this classifier
Options Inherited from SimpleList
metadata A single metadata field or a comma separated list of metadata fields used for classification. Following the order indicated by the list, the first field that contains a metadata value will be used. List will be sorted by this element, unless -sort is used. If no metadata is specified, then all documents will be included in the list, otherwise only documents that contain a metadata value will be included.
sort Metadata field to sort by. Use '-sort nosort' for no sorting.
Options Inherited from BaseClassifier
buttonname The label for the classifier screen and button in navigation bar. The default is the metadata element specified with -metadata.
no_metadata_formatting Don't do any automatic metadata formatting (for sorting.)
builddir Where to put the built indexes.
outhandle The file handle to write output to. Default: STDERR
verbosity Controls the quantity of output. 0=none, 3=lots. Default: 2