The server is what allows your Greenstone library to be viewed in a web browser. As the server included with Greenstone is ready to run out of the box you will likely have little reason to worry about it while you are building and customizing your Greenstone library.
The server will start automatically when you run the GLI, allowing you to view collections after
you build them, and as you modify them. You can also start the server individually, as well (on
Windows, from Start → All Programs → Greenstone → Greenstone Server
). This can be done whether
the GLI is running or not, and is useful as it:
making this option helpful during customization. The server can also be started by running or from the main greenstone installation folder.
Greenstone relies on a web browser that supports tables, Javascript, CSS, and in some places, frames. Any reasonably modern browser will do, e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera.
If you find that your favorite web browser does not work with Greenstone, please contact us via the mailing list.
The rest of this page provides some basic information about the servers packaged with Greenstone; more technical information is available on the Developer's server page.
Both Greenstone 2 and 3 use an external webserver, Apache for Greenstone2, Tomcat for Greenstone3. These come packaged with Greenstone in its installers, so should be set up ready to go once you have installed the software.
====Server Options==== After you have installed Greenstone3 and started the Greenstone server, you can change a number of server options. Most users will probably not need to do this. For those who do, the options can be viewed and changed by clicking File → Settings… in the Greenstone server window.
of your Greenstone3 installation directory. Greenstone 2 runs using the Apache web server. Greenstone running on Apache is called the web library. On Windows, a second web server option is available, the local library. This is a standalone Greenstone prgram with a built-in webserver.
Please note that the local library is quite capable of serving Greenstone collections over a local area network or the web (despite its rather misleading name).
=== Windows local library ===
If your computer prompts you to access the internet, this is simply the built-in webserver built sending a message to your computer's networking software to make sure it's functioning correctly. If this occurs, in most situations, you can simply cancel the dialog box and (if required) press your browser's reload button to continue.
If when starting up the Windows local library, your web browser starts up, but your home page never gets loaded or you get an error message:
=== IIS ===
We don't use Greenstone with IIS, test Greenstone with it, or recommend it. Apache is included with Greenstone 2 binaries. It has a much better security record, and of course it's open source.
However, if you would like to run Greenstone 2 using IIS, please see this page. The instructions were written for 2.82 but may still be useful.
In order to make your Greenstone library accessible from the internet, you need a computer that is permanently connected to the internet. If your organization does not have this kind of computer, you can pay a web hosting company to host Greenstone for you. See below.
Once you have access to this computer you need to install Greenstone on it. If you are using Greenstone2 on Windows, make sure that you use the web library, not the local library.
Lastly, copy your collections into this Greenstone installation and check that everything is now accessible from the web.
Answer contributed to the mailing list by Diego Spano.
How easy it is to install Greenstone (GS) will depend a lot on your internet hosting company. You will need to find one that will install Greenstone for you, or allow you to install it yourself, and allow CGI executables to run. Some hosting companies (particuarly cheap ones) do not provide these services.
To install Greenstone on a web server yourself, you need terminal access to your hosting company through ssh. When you want to acquire a domain, the company will offer you a variety of options but you have to take in account that you need a dedicated server (aka Virtual private server). A dedicated server allows you to manage what to install and have the freedom of configuring it as you want because you have root access.
You will need to install Greenstone on the server"
Greenstone3 needs Tomcat rather than Apache.
TODO: This section needs work
Some points to consider when trying to install Greenstone2.
ps -aux | grep httpd" or "ps -aux | grep apache2
Troubleshooting You've configured Apache, but when you try to reach the URL you are redirected to the hosting web page. What kind of hosting did you buy? Perhaps it has Apache running and you are trying to run GS Apache at the same time, this is not possible unless both Apache are in different ports or just stopping one to run the other.