Top level plugin that uses Open Office to convert various types of documents.
, .dot
, .docx
, .odt
, .wpd
, .ppt
, .pptx
, .odp
, .rtf
, .xls
, .xlsx
, .ods
The OpenOfficePlugin is an extension that is available for Greenstone. It is useful for processing both Open Office and Microsoft Office documents, as well as other text formats.
With OpenOffice and the extension installed and the Greenstone environment set up for this, the OpenOfficePlugin will be available.
Furthermore, an OpenOfficeConverter helper plugin provides a new option for Greenstone's Word, PowerPoint and Excel Plugins,
, allowing conversion with Open Office instead of the existing
converter. Switching on this new option means that more recent Office formats like
can be included in Greenstone collections and processed by Greenstone.
To use OpenOfficePlugin or OpenOfficeConverter, you must first install Open Office. Once Open Office is installed, you may have to set the environment variables so Greenstone can find OpenOffice:
Edit environment variables for your account
under the User variables section. For Variable name, enter SOFFICE_HOME
. For Variable value, enter the full path to your OpenOffice folder (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice 4
) and click OK
variable in the User variables section, select this and press Edit…
. Add ;%SOFFICE_HOME%\program
to the end of the Variable value and click OK
variable in the User variables section, press New…
. For Variable name, enter Path
. For Variable value, enter %SOFFICE_HOME%\program;%Path%
and click OK
in the Environment Variables window to save your changes.
Once you have Open Office set up, download the Greenstone extension for it
from here,
which is available in tar.gz and zip formats, and unzip into Greenstone's gs2build/ext
Once you have Open Office set up, download the Greenstone extension for it from here,
which is available in tar.gz and zip formats, and unzip into Greenstone's ext
If you have Greenstone open during this, be sure to completely exit both the GLI and the server and restart Greenstone in order for the extension to become available in the Greenstone environment.
If you are running Greenstone or GLI from a terminal, you need to start a fresh terminal, and run 'source' (linux) or 'gs3-setup' (windows) to include the extension setup in the environment.
Note that you cannot already have an instance of OpenOffice running when using GLI: you will need to terminate any previously running instance. It is also unlikely that you can get a separate instance of OpenOffice running after quitting GLI. If you wish to do so, you will need to use Task Manager to terminate the open office process launched by the extension upon running GLI.
The following table lists all of the configuration options available for OpenOfficePlugin.
Option | Description | Value |
OpenOfficePlugin Options | ||
process_exp | A perl regular expression to match against filenames. Matching filenames will be processed by this plugin. For example, using '(?i).html?\$' matches all documents ending in .htm or .html (case-insensitive). | Default: (?i).(doc|dot|docx|odt|wpd| ppt|pptx|odp|rtf| xls|xlsx|ods)$ |
Options Inherited from OpenOfficeConverter | ||
openoffice_port | Port number for… | Default: 8100 Range: 81, |
Options Inherited from BaseMediaConverter | ||
enable_cache | Cache automatically generated files (such as thumbnails and screen-size images) so they don't need to be repeatedly generated. | |
Options Inherited from ConvertBinaryFile | ||
convert_to | (REQUIRED) Plugin converts to TEXT or HTML or various types of Image (e.g. JPEG, GIF, PNG). | Default: auto List |
keep_original_filename | Keep the original filename for the associated file, rather than converting to doc.pdf, doc.doc etc. | |
title_sub | Substitution expression to modify string stored as Title. Used by, for example, PDFPlugin to remove "Page 1", etc from text used as the title. | |
apply_fribidi | Run the "fribidi" Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm program over the converted file (for right-to-left text). | |
use_strings | If set, a simple strings function will be called to extract text if the conversion utility fails. | |
Options Inherited from AutoExtractMetadata | ||
first | Comma separated list of numbers of characters to extract from the start of the text into a set of metadata fields called 'FirstN', where N is the size. For example, the values "3,5,7" will extract the first 3, 5 and 7 characters into metadata fields called "First3", "First5" and "First7". | |
Options Inherited from AcronymExtractor | ||
extract_acronyms | Extract acronyms from within text and set as metadata. | |
markup_acronyms | Add acronym metadata into document text. | |
Options Inherited from KeyphraseExtractor | ||
extract_keyphrases | Extract keyphrases automatically with Kea (default settings). | |
extract_keyphrases_kea4 | Extract keyphrases automatically with Kea 4.0 (default settings). Kea 4.0 is a new version of Kea that has been developed for controlled indexing of documents in the domain of agriculture. | |
extract_keyphrase_options | Options for keyphrase extraction with Kea. For example: mALIWEB - use ALIWEB extraction model; n5 - extract 5 keyphrase;, eGBK - use GBK encoding. | |
Options Inherited from EmailAddressExtractor | ||
extract_email | Extract email addresses as metadata. | |
Options Inherited from DateExtractor | ||
extract_historical_years | Extract time-period information from historical documents. This is stored as metadata with the document. There is a search interface for this metadata, which you can include in your collection by adding the statement, "format QueryInterface DateSearch" to your collection configuration file. | |
maximum_year | The maximum historical date to be used as metadata (in a Common Era date, such as 1950). | Default: 2013 |
maximum_century | The maximum named century to be extracted as historical metadata (e.g. 14 will extract all references up to the 14th century). | Default: -1 |
no_bibliography | Do not try to block bibliographic dates when extracting historical dates. | |
Options Inherited from GISExtractor | ||
extract_placenames | Extract placenames from within text and set as metadata. Requires GIS extension to Greenstone. | |
gazetteer | Gazetteer to use to extract placenames from within text and set as metadata. Requires GIS extension to Greenstone. | |
place_list | When extracting placements, include list of placenames at start of the document. Requires GIS extension to Greenstone. | |
Options Inherited from BasePlugin | ||
process_exp | A perl regular expression to match against filenames. Matching filenames will be processed by this plugin. For example, using '(?i).html?\$' matches all documents ending in .htm or .html (case-insensitive). | |
no_blocking | Don't do any file blocking. Any associated files (e.g. images in a web page) will be added to the collection as documents in their own right. | |
block_exp | Files matching this regular expression will be blocked from being passed to any later plugins in the list. | |
store_original_file | Save the original source document as an associated file. Note this is already done for files like PDF, Word etc. This option is only useful for plugins that don't already store a copy of the original file. | |
associate_ext | Causes files with the same root filename as the document being processed by the plugin AND a filename extension from the comma separated list provided by this argument to be associated with the document being processed rather than handled as a separate list. | |
associate_tail_re | A regular expression to match filenames against to find associated files. Used as a more powerful alternative to associate_ext. | |
OIDtype | The method to use when generating unique identifiers for each document. | Default: auto List |
OIDmetadata | Specifies the metadata element that hold's the document's unique identifier, for use with -OIDtype=assigned. | Default: dc.Identifier |
no_cover_image | Do not look for a prefix.jpg file (where prefix is the same prefix as the file being processed) to associate as a cover image. | |
filename_encoding | The encoding of the source file filenames. | Default: auto List |
file_rename_method | The method to be used in renaming the copy of the imported file and associated files. | Default: url List |