
Browsing classifier that produces a hierarchy of phrases found in the text, which is browsable via an applet.

The following table lists all of the configuration options available for Phind.

Phind Options
text The text used to build the phrase hierarchy. Default: section:Title,section:text
title The metadata field used to describe each document. Default: Title
buttonname The label for the classifier screen and button in navigation bar. The default is the metadata element specified with -metadata. Default: Phrase
language Language or languages to use building hierarchy. Languages are identified by two-letter country codes like en (English), es (Spanish), and fr (French). Language is a regular expression, so 'en|fr' (English or French) and '..' (match any language) are valid. Default: en
savephrases If set, the phrase infomation will be stored in the given file as text. It is probably a good idea to use an absolute path.
suffixmode The smode parameter to the phrase extraction program. A value of 0 means that stopwords are ignored, and of 1 means that stopwords are used. Default: 1 Range: 0,1
min_occurs The minimum number of times a phrase must appear in the text to be included in the phrase hierarchy. Default: 2 Range: 1,
thesaurus Name of a thesaurus stored in Phind format in the collection's etc directory.
untidy Don't remove working files.
Options Inherited from BaseClassifier
buttonname The label for the classifier screen and button in navigation bar. The default is the metadata element specified with -metadata.
no_metadata_formatting Don't do any automatic metadata formatting (for sorting.)
builddir Where to put the built indexes.
outhandle The file handle to write output to. Default: STDERR
verbosity Controls the quantity of output. 0=none, 3=lots. Default: 2