//**This page is in the 'old' namespace, and was imported from our previous wiki. We recommend checking for more up-to-date information using the search box.**// ====== Greenstone 2.70 Install on Solaris ====== (thanks to Courtney Grimland) **Target Platform:** * SunOS felix 5.9 Generic_118558-25 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-100 **XML-Parser:** I chose to install XML-Parser myself since I couldn't get it to happen with the gsdl installation. * Download and unpack XML-Parser-2.34 from CPAN's site * My expat was installed from blastwave.org's pkg-get script, so I had to add /opt/csw/lib and /opt/csw/include to the top of Makefile.PL perl Makefile.PL * Edit Makefile and Expat/Makefile: * change all occurances of cc to /opt/sfw/gcc-3/bin/gcc * remove all values for OPTIMIZE (my gcc didn't like those) on lines 334 and 216, respectively gmake; gmake test; gmake install **GSDL:** * Use GNU tar to unpack gsdl-2.70-unix.tar.gz (Sun puts it in /opt/sfw/bin and calls it gtar). Solaris tar did not work. * I installed gdbm via the blastwave.org pkg-get script, so I had to edit Unix/Install.sh on line 1612 to add "--with-gdbm=/opt/csw" export CC=/opt/sfw/gcc-3/bin/gcc export CXX=/opt/sfw/gcc-3/bin/g++ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/sfw/gcc-3/lib export MAKE=/opt/sfw/bin/gmake * Remove any mention of expat and XML-Parser from src/packages/Makefile.in and src/packages/configure * Make sure /usr/ccs/bin is in the PATH because that's where strip and ar live (this is what was causing the end of Install.sh to fail and not ask for an admin password) * Finally, cd into Unix/ and run "bash Install.sh". Relying on #!/bin/sh will not work. * I installed into /opt but chose the default answer for the rest of the questions *My resulting library binary failed to execute until I added /opt/sfw/gcc-3/lib into the system's ld.config: crle -c /var/ld/ld.config -l /opt/sfw/gcc-3/lib **Apache:** *Followed the instructions for modifying apache: * Added /opt/gsdl/cgi-bin as a cgi dir * Aliased /opt/gsdl to greenstone After these steps I can access the default gsdl setup via ''http://myhost.mydomain.edu/greenstone/cgi-bin/library''