//**This page is in the 'old' namespace, and was imported from our previous wiki. We recommend checking for more up-to-date information using the search box.**// =====Where do I get Greenstone from?===== From the greenstone.org [[http://www.greenstone.org/cgi-bin/library?e=p-en-faqob-utfZz-8&a=p&p=download|download]] page. =====Are there binary distributions of Greenstone available?===== Yes. At present there are binary distributions for 32 bit Windows, PowerPC Mac OS X, and i386 linux. They can be downloaded from the [[http://www.greenstone.org/cgi-bin/library?e=p-en-faqob-utfZz-8&a=p&p=download|download]] page. =====Is Greenstone available on CD-ROM?===== While some version 2.37 and 2.38 CD-ROMs have been produced they're not currently being made widely available. You are encouraged to download the latest release of Greenstone from the [[http://www.greenstone.org/cgi-bin/library?e=p-en-faqob-utfZz-8&a=p&p=download|download]] page. If your internet connection is such that downloading Greenstone isn't possible please [[http://www.greenstone.org/cgi-bin/library?e=p-en-faqob-utfZz-8&a=p&p=support|contact]] us and we may be able to arrange for a CD-ROM to be sent out. =====Is the Greenstone source code available from a Version Control System?===== Yes, namely Subversion. See our [[Greenstone_SVN]] page for details.