//**This page is in the 'old' namespace, and was imported from our previous wiki. We recommend checking for more up-to-date information using the search box.**// ======Creating CD/DVD-ROM's from Collections====== =====Installing the Plugin===== NB - the plug-in does not work from remote machines - you must use the GLI on the server itself, or alternately use the commandline. * For All Platforms - Unix, OSX, Windows Download one of the Following * [[http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/greenstone/gsdl-2.7-export.zip|Version 2.7]] * [[http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/greenstone/gsdl-2.63-export.zip|Version 2.63]] * Install into gsdl\bin\windows * For Remote Machines (not recommended since plugin only works on server) * unzip your gsdl-2.xx-export.zip file on local machine * ftp the contents of the gsdl-2.xx... onto the hosting machine =====Creating Collections From the GLI===== * [[http://greenstone.sourceforge.net/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/en/export_to_CDROM.htm|Export Greenstone to CD-ROM Tutorial]] =====Creating Collections From the Command Line (exportcol.pl)===== * source setup.bash (in the Greenstone directory) * perl -S bin/script/exportcol.pl -nonetscape =====Adding Additional Content===== Creating multimedia presentations with an embedded Greenstone distribution