====== Webswing GLI ======
Webswing is a technology that allows java programs to run in a browser.\\
Greenstone 3.11 and later comes with webswing enabled, so that GLI can be run in a browser, allowing remote users the ability to build and edit collections on the server without having to install Greenstone (and Remote GLI).\\
To get started using webswing GLI, see tutorial [[https://files.greenstone.org/tutorial/gs3-current/en/webswing_gli.htm| Using Webswing GLI]]
It is provided as an extension, in greenstone3/ext/webswing. You don't need to compile it up, Greenstone3 ships with a ready-to-go webswing JAR/WAR file.
The webswing framework requires a graphical environment. If you are on a standard desktop, then it will work out of the box.
However, if you are on a headless Linux environment, then you will need to install:
* xvfb (x-virtual frame buffer) - for example, ''sudo apt install xvfb''
You may also need the following:
* libxext6
* libxi6
* libxtst6
* libxrender1
To start Greenstone when you are using webswing, please use the new scripts:
* ant-start-with-exts.sh
* ant-stop-with-exts.sh
* ant-restart-with-exts.sh
These will make sure the right environment is set up for Tomcat.
==== When Tomcat is behind an Apache server ====
If you Tomcat is running behind an Apache webserver, there are some extra steps to get it running in this situation.
* Apache needs to have the proxy_wstunnel module enabled:
* (sudo) apachectl -M - to list modules
* (sudo) a2enmod proxy_wstunnel - to enable the module
See [[https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_proxy_wstunnel.html]]
You also need to edit the apache configuration file for your VirtualHost. This file might be in eg /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default-le-ssl.conf, or /etc/httpd/conf.d/yourcustomname.conf.
Assuming your tomcat is running on port 8383:
If your apache is 2.4.47 or later:
ProxyPass "/webswing-server/" "http://localhost:8383/webswing-server/" upgrade=websocket
If your apache is older than 2.4.47, try the following:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} =websocket
RewriteRule /(.*) ws://localhost:8383/$1 [P,L]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} !=websocket
RewriteRule /(.*) http://localhost:8383/$1 [P,L]
Note, this doesn't work if you have two greenstone installs running at the same time, on different ports.
==== Configuration ====
There is a config file web/ext/webswing/etc/webswing.config.in. You can edit that. When you run an ant restart, webswing.config will be generated from this .in file.
Some useful settings in this file:
* uploadMaxSize - the maximum file size allowed to be uploaded (FileChooser) in MB. Set to 0 for unlimited size. Note, if the size is less than a file you are trying to upload to a collection, it will silently fail and give you no reason why.
==== Debugging ====
* webswing log goes to packages/tomcat/bin/logs/webswing.log. GLI System.err goes there.
* For GLI debugging - add -debug to the args for GathererProg in web/ext/websing/etc/webswing.config.in. Restart tomcat. A GLI log file will go to gli/webswing-users//debug.txt. Note, this folder is also where the GLI config file is stored for the user - configWebswing.xml. GLI DebugStream.println goes here.
====Deactivating Webswing ====
Webswing is used for web-based GLI, Phind and Collage classifiers. If you don't need any of these things you can deactivate webswing by running:
cd /ext
./DEACTIVATE.sh webswing
It can be re-activated by running ''./ACTIVATE.sh webswing'' in the same folder.