====== Using the expand_macros.pl script ======
* The ''expand_macros.pl'' script allows you to get a list of all macros and where they are defined (in order to have macros defined in the c++ source included as well, you may specify the path to your Greenstone source directory; see the usage information of the script for details):
expand_macros.pl -s '.*'
* get definition of _query:pagescriptextra_
expand_macros.pl _query:pagescriptextra_
*** macro: query:pagescriptextra ***
* query:pagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/query.dm, line 68)
{ _If_("_cgiargqt_" eq "1", _formpagescriptextra_, _selectpagescriptextra_) _If_("_cgiarghd_" ne "0",_historypagescriptextra_) } }
* get macros that are used by _query:pagescriptextra_ ('-s' for short output, omit for display of definitions; '-d' for depth, increase to see more levels):
expand_macros.pl -s -d 2 _query:pagescriptextra_
*** macro: query:pagescriptextra ***
* query:pagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/query.dm, line 68)
* query:formpagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/query.dm, line 76)
* query:formfunctions [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/query.dm, line 178)
* query:searchfunctions [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/query.dm, line 478)
* preferences:standardfunctions [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/pref.dm, line 82)
* query:standardfunctions [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/query.dm, line 143)
* query:historypagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/query.dm, line 101)
* query:selectpagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/query.dm, line 71)
* query:dummypagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/query.dm, line 72)
* query:formpagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/query.dm, line 76)
* get macros that use "any" _pagescriptextra_ ('-r' for reverse search):
expand_macros.pl -r _pagescriptextra_
*** macro: pagescriptextra (reverse) ***
* Style:globalscripts [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/style.dm, line 142)
{ } }
* homepref:pagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/home.dm, line 198)
{ _preferences:pagescriptextra_} }
* get macros whose definitions contain "blank.gif" (a search in the definition contents will be performed if the argument doesn't start, and end, with an underscore (actually, it's a bit more complicated, but that should suffice for the moment); is actually treated as full perl regular expression):
expand_macros.pl "blank.gif"
*** query: blank.gif ***
* collector:iconblank [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/collect.dm, line 42)
{ } }
* get a macro that is defined in the c++ code (you need to extract a greenstone source archive and point to its base location, either via the '--source' parameter or via a GSDLSOURCE environment variable):
expand_macros.pl --source=/usr/local/gsdl/src/stable/ _collector:pagescriptextra_
*** macro: collector:pagescriptextra ***
* collector:pagescriptextra [v=0] (SERVER: /usr/local/gsdl/src/stable/src/src/recpt/collectoraction.cpp, line 1058)
{ "_" + collector_page + "scriptextra_" }
* additionally, you can use expand_macros.pl to explore macros interactively ('-i' or '-b' for "interactive", or "browse", mode)
expand_macros.pl -i
entered 'expand_macros.pl' in ***interactive browse mode*** (v0.22)
[you can get help at any time by typing '.h', '.?', or '.help']
enter macro name (without package specification) [leave empty to quit]
> pagescriptextra
select package for macro 'pagescriptextra' [leave empty to return]
[1] Style
[2] browse
[3] collector
[4] homepref
[5] preferences
[6] query
> 6
* query:pagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/query.dm, line 68)
{ _If_("_cgiargqt_" eq "1", _formpagescriptextra_, _selectpagescriptextra_)
_If_("_cgiarghd_" ne "0",_historypagescriptextra_) } }
[press key to continue]
select macro [leave empty to return]
[1] formpagescriptextra
[2] historypagescriptextra
[3] selectpagescriptextra
> 1
select package for macro 'formpagescriptextra' [leave empty to return]
[1] query
> 1
* query:formpagescriptextra [v=0] (/usr/local/gsdl/stable/macros/query.dm, line 76)
{ // query scripts generated by \_query:pagescriptextra\_
function getsearchargs () \{
var args="";
args = "&fqa=0&fqv="+argfqv+"&fqf="+argfqf;
_If_(_cgiargqf_,args += "&fqk="+argfqk+"&fqs="+argfqs+"&fqc="+argfqc;)
return args;
function getqueryargs () \{
return "&fqa=1"+"&q="+argq+"&fqv="+argfqv+"&fqf="+argfqf+
"&fqk="+argfqk+"&fqs="+argfqs+"&fqc="+argfqc ;
} }
[press key to continue]
select macro [leave empty to return]
[1] formfunctions
[2] searchfunctions
[3] standardfunctions
select package for macro 'formpagescriptextra' [leave empty to return]
[1] query
select macro [leave empty to return]
[1] formpagescriptextra
[2] historypagescriptextra
[3] selectpagescriptextra
select package for macro 'pagescriptextra' [leave empty to return]
[1] Style
[2] browse
[3] collector
[4] homepref
[5] preferences
[6] query
enter macro name (without package specification) [leave empty to quit]
//Thanks to Jens Wille//