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  • Ensure that excel has not quoted Filename and other field headings in the first line of your .csv metadata file.
    • The default behaviour on excel is to quote everthing, so you may need to inspect your .csv file with a text editor before ingest.
    • Quoted heading get passed through and you end up with build errors due to invalid XML
    • It's OK - and often necessary - for your actual data to be quoted
  • if your .csv file is in the same folder as your files, then ensure you rename it so it is seen before all other files. '0000metadata.csv' worked for me. Note: The default behaviour is to read files in order - so if your .csv file isn't read first, you end up with two seperate records; one with metadata and no file, the other being the file and no metadata.

For details on using the MetadataCSVPlugin, please see Operational_summaries_of_example_plugins.

old/metadatacsvplug_notes.1593624848.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/01 17:34 by anupama