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Conference and Workshop on the Greenstone Digital Library Software

Honolulu, Hawaii , June 6-8, 2006


This was a two part event. The conference, held on the morning of the first day, consisted of a general introduction to Greenstone, including system overview, requirements, functionality; examples and demos;

The workshop took place over two and a half days, and consisted of lectures and labs dealing with various aspects of the Greenstone software.


Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato, New Zealand

Approximate Schedule

Day 1

09.00-13.00 Conference: Greenstone: an open source software for building digital collections

This talk introduces the capabilities of the Greenstone software and shows many example collections that have been built all over the world. Then the Greenstone Librarian Interface is demonstrated, which allows users to build their own collections of textual and multimedia information.

14.00-17.00 Workshop session 1: Installing, browsing and building

Day 2

09.00-12.30 Workshop session 2: Adding metadata—and using it

13.30-17.00 Workshop session 3: Advanced collection configuration

Day 3

09.00-12.30 Workshop session 4: Two examples—multimedia and scanned images

13.30-17.00 Workshop session 5: Interoperability
