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MySQL Processing Using DatabasePlugin

This describes my experience of getting DBPlug to get records for a mysql database.

 (I used //root// without a password to log in. You may need to set $password if authentication is required.)
 $sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM gw_user';
 "user_name" => "Title",
 "user_real_name" => "text",
 "user_id" => "Identifier",
 (This is a mapping between field names in gw_user, and metadata names in the <br/> Greenstone archive files.)

Notes about Perl modules.

 perl Makefile.PL INSTALLSITELIB="$GSDLHOME/perllib/cpan/perl-5.8"  PREFIX="$GSDLHOME/perllib/cpan/XXX" SITEPREFIX="$GSDLHOME/perllib/cpan" 
 make test
 make install

*for DBD:mysql, run

 perl Makefile.PL --testdb=gswikidb --testuser=root <br/> INSTALLSITELIB="$GSDLHOME/perllib/cpan/perl-5.8" <br/>  PREFIX="$GSDLHOME/perllib/cpan/XXX" SITEPREFIX="$GSDLHOME/perllib/cpan" 
 make test
 make install

This installs the modules into $GSDLHOME/perllib/cpan/perl-5.8

(XXX in the perl line should be set to the first component of the module name, e.g. DBI,DBD,Data)