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Greenstone3 for Greenstone2 Users


Greenstone3 is a complete redesign and reimplementation of the original Greenstone digital library software (Greenstone2). It retains all the advantages of Greenstone2 - for example, it is multiplatform, highly configurable, and soon-to-be multilingual software. It incorporates all the features of Greenstone2, and is backwards compatible: that is, it can build and run existing collections without modification. Written in Java, it is structured as a network of independent modules that communicate using XML: thus it runs in a distributed fashion and can be spread across different servers as necessary. This modular design increases the flexibility and extensibility of Greenstone.

Q & A

Server Options

After you have installed Greenstone3 and started the Greenstone server, you can change a number of server options. Most users will probably not need to do this. For those who do, the options can be viewed and changed by clicking File → Settings… in the Greenstone server window.

Moving Greenstone2 collections to Greenstone3

If you are a Greenstone2 user, you can move your collections from Greenstone2 to Greenstone3. Simply copy the appropriate folders from the Greenstone2 collect folder to the Greenstone3 collect folder, and then rebuild the collections in the GLI. Important Note: This option is for greenstone 3.02 only, it will be added into 3.03 later. For large collections, you can avoid rebuilding by running a conversion script instead. Important Note: for the version 3.03 you must use this conversion script not the one provided by the Greenstone3 installer. This script will be added into the next release.


These instructions assume Greenstone2 is installed to C:\Program Files\Greenstone2 and that Greenstone3 is installed to C:\Program Files\Greenstone3, so please make the necessary adjustments if you installed either version of Greenstone to a different folder.

To port a collection called mycoll, you would use a file browser to copy the folder C:\Program Files\Greenstone2\collect\mycoll to the folder C:\Program Files\Greenstone3\web\sites\localsite\collect. Then, open the collection in the GLI and rebuild it.

If the collection is very large, you may prefer to just run the conversion script, to avoid a lengthy rebuild. To do this, open up an MS-DOS box (Start → (All) Programs → Accessories → Command Prompt) and execute these commands.

<pre>cd "C:\Program Files\Greenstone2" setup [Alternatively, cd "C:\Program Files\Greenstone3\gs2build" setup ] cd "C:\Program Files\Greenstone3" gs3-setup gs2build\bin\windows\perl\bin\perl.exe bin\script\ \ -collectdir "C:\Program Files\Greenstone3\web\sites\localsite\collect" mycoll</pre>

If you need you collections to appear with the classic Greenstone2 look-and-feel, see the 'Servlet' section of Server Options


These instructions assume Greenstone2 is installed to /opt/greenstone2/ and that Greenstone3 is installed to /opt/greenstone3/, so please make the necessary adjustments if you installed either version of Greenstone to a different folder.

To port a collection called mycoll, you would copy the folder /opt/greenstone2/collect/mycoll/ to the folder /opt/greenstone3/web/sites/localsite/collect/.

<pre>cd /opt/greenstone2/ cp -r collect/mycoll/ /opt/greenstone3/web/sites/localsite/collect/</pre>

Then, you would open the collection using the GLI and rebuild it. Or if you collection is very large and a rebuild would take too long, run the conversion script instead. On the command line, execute these commands: (from the Greenstone2 installation directory)

<pre>cd /opt/greenstone2/ source setup.bash [alternatively cd /opt/greenstone3/gs2build source setup.bash ] cd /opt/greenstone3/ source bin/script/ -collectdir /opt/greenstone3/web/sites/localsite/collect mycoll</pre>

You need to do this for each collection you wish to port. To see a list of available Greenstone2 collections, run this command: <pre>ls /opt/greenstone2/collect/</pre>

You may need to close and re-open the Greenstone3 server before the ported collections are available in Greenstone3.

If you need you collections to appear with the classic Greenstone2 look-and-feel, see the 'Servlet' section of Server Options


There are a number of advantages to using Greenstone3 instead of Greenstone2. These include:

Known Problems

As Greenstone3 is still in its early stages of development, a number of problems and bugs remain. If your Greenstone2 collections do not work under Greenstone3, or if you are experiencing some unexpected behavior from Greenstone3, please read this list before contacting us.