Document Identifiers

Every document in a Greenstone collection gets given a unique object identifier (OID). This is used in URLs to refer to that document. There are several methods used for assigning identifiers. The method can be changed using the OIDtype option. This option is available as an import option and as a plugin option. Setting it for import will mean that all plugins will use that setting. Setting it for a plugin will mean that only that plugin will use the setting, overriding the import setting. You can set a default setting for import, and have one or more plugins override that setting with a different one if need be.

The options for OIDtype are:


Greenstone3 → gs2build → perllib →


Greenstone2 → perllib →

by replacing the "D" in the code below:

	} elsif ($self->{'OIDtype'} eq "incremental") {
	    $OID = "D" . $OIDcount;
	    $OIDcount ++;

(contributed by Michael Dewsnip & Stephen)