//**This page is in the 'old' namespace, and was imported from our previous wiki. We recommend checking for more up-to-date information using the search box.**// ======Conference and Workshop on the Greenstone Digital Library Software====== Honolulu, Hawaii , //June 6-8, 2006// =====Introduction===== This was a two part event. The conference, held on the morning of the first day, consisted of a general introduction to Greenstone, including system overview, requirements, functionality; examples and demos; The workshop took place over two and a half days, and consisted of lectures and labs dealing with various aspects of the Greenstone software. ====Instructors==== * Prof Ian Witten * Mrs Katherine Don //Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato, New Zealand// =====Approximate Schedule===== ====Day 1==== **09.00-13.00 Conference: Greenstone: an open source software for building digital collections** This talk introduces the capabilities of the Greenstone software and shows many example collections that have been built all over the world. Then the Greenstone Librarian Interface is demonstrated, which allows users to build their own collections of textual and multimedia information. * [[http://wiki.greenstone.org/gsdoc/workshops/jun2006hawaii/Conference_lecture.pdf|Lecture]] agenda: * Overview * What does Greenstone do? * Greenstone facts; standards * Reader's interface: examples of collections * Librarian Interface * Build a collection in 30 sec (hobbits) * Build a multimedia collection (Beatles) * Adding and using metadata * Browsing classifiers, search indexes * Building a collection manually (for masochists only) * Advanced stuff * Under the hood: collection configuration file * Customizing with macros * Personalizing your home page * Different interface languages * Examples of what others have done * Reaching out * Serving and acquiring OAI * DSpace and METS * Greenstone3 **14.00-17.00 Workshop session 1: Installing, browsing and building** * [[http://wiki.greenstone.org/gsdoc/workshops/jun2006hawaii/lecture_one.pdf|Lecture]] agenda: * Documentation and help * Installing pre-built collections * Greenstone: platforms * What's on the CD-ROM? * Installing Greenstone * Running Greenstone * Collection building * Downloading HTML * WORD documents * [[http://wiki.greenstone.org/gsdoc/workshops/jun2006hawaii/lab_one.htm|Lab]] contents: * Working with a pre-packaged collection (UNAIDS) * Installing Greenstone * Updating a Greenstone installation * Building a small collection of HTML files * A collection of Word and PDF files—Part A * A large collection of HTML files—Tudor * Downloading files from the web * Enhanced Word document handling ====Day 2==== **09.00-12.30 Workshop session 2: Adding metadata—and using it** * [[http://wiki.greenstone.org/gsdoc/workshops/jun2006hawaii/lecture_two.pdf|Lecture]] agenda: * Overview of collection building * Metadata sets * Adding metadata in GLI * GLI tricks * Review: searching and browsing * General Options * Plugins * Searching - indexes * Browsing - classifiers * Simple formatting * Form search * Partitioning indexes * PHIND phrase index * CDS/ISIS * GEMS: metadata set editing * [[http://wiki.greenstone.org/gsdoc/workshops/jun2006hawaii/lab_two.htm|Lab]] contents: * A collection of Word and PDF files—Part B * A simple image collection * Enhanced collection of HTML files—Tudor * Bibliographic collection—Part A * CDS/ISIS collection * Editing metadata sets **13.30-17.00 Workshop session 3: Advanced collection configuration** * [[http://wiki.greenstone.org/gsdoc/workshops/jun2006hawaii/lecture_three.pdf|Lecture]] agenda: * Formatting * Formatting extended metadata * Changing metadata sets * Collection configuration file * GLI modes * PDF documents * PPT documents * Exploding metadata databases * Cross collection searching * Translate text * Full-text tagging * Creating a CD-ROM * [[http://wiki.greenstone.org/gsdoc/workshops/jun2006hawaii/lab_three.htm|Lab]] contents: * Formatting the Word and PDF collection * Formatting the HTML collection—Tudor * Pointing to documents on the web * Section tagging for HTML documents * Exporting a collection to CD-ROM/DVD * Enhanced PDF handling * Bibliographic collection—Part B ====Day 3==== **09.00-12.30 Workshop session 4: Two examples—multimedia and scanned images** * [[http://wiki.greenstone.org/gsdoc/workshops/jun2006hawaii/lecture_four.pdf|Lecture]] agenda: * Multimedia and UnknownPlug * Scanned images * [[http://wiki.greenstone.org/gsdoc/workshops/jun2006hawaii/lab_four.htm|Lab]] contents: * Looking at a multimedia collection * Building a multimedia collection * Scanned image collection * Advanced scanned image collection **13.30-17.00 Workshop session 5: Interoperability** * [[http://wiki.greenstone.org/gsdoc/workshops/jun2006hawaii/lecture_five.pdf|Lecture]] agenda: * Interface customization * Customizing parts of a page * Greenstone in your organization * Installing the web library * Administration pages * User management * Restricting access to documents * Building a collection * The dreaded black screen * More on building * Multilingual support * Language interfaces * [[http://wiki.greenstone.org/gsdoc/workshops/jun2006hawaii/lab_five.htm|Lab]] contents: * Customization: macro files and stylesheets * Open Archives Initiative (OAI) collection * Downloading over OAI * Use METS as Greenstone's Internal Representation * Moving a collection from DSpace to Greenstone * Moving a collection from Greenstone to DSpace ===== Download===== * [[http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/greenstone/gsdl-workshop-complete-3day-jun2006.zip?download|Entire workshop]]: Contains Conference lecture, all workshop lectures (in Powerpoint and PDF) and lab exercises (in HTML), and sample files for the labs. * [[http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/greenstone/gsdl-workshop-notebook-3day-jun2006.zip?download|Workbook]]: Contains just lectures and labs, no sample files * [[http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/greenstone/gsdl-workshop-sample-files-3day-jun2006.zip?download|Sample files]]: Sample files only, no lectures or labs