//**This page is in the 'old' namespace, and was imported from our previous wiki. We recommend checking for more up-to-date information using the search box.**// Welcome to GreenstoneWiki: Documentation for [[http://www.greenstone.org|Greenstone]] Are you a Greenstone user? Looking for documentation to help you build better collections?? This is the place for you! Greenstone is produced by the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato, and developed and distributed in cooperation with [[http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=13639&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html|UNESCO]] and the [[http://humaninfo.org/home_flash.html|Human Info NGO]]. To learn more about it or to download the software, visit [[http://www.greenstone.org/|greenstone.org]] or read the [[http://www.greenstone.org/cgi-bin/library?e=p-en-home-utfZz-8&a=p&p=factsheet|Greenstone Fact Sheet]]) </p> This documentation was prepared by the Greenstone team at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. If you're a Greenstone user, you can help us with the documentation project. ==Documentation== * For brand new users, the [[Getting Started]] page should help you get started with Greenstone. * Release Notes: [[2.85_Release_Notes | 2.85]] [[2.84_Release_Notes | 2.84]] [[2.83_Release_Notes | 2.83]] ===Manuals=== Seven **[[Manual|Greenstone manuals]]** are available for download (in HTML and PDF, including versions in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Kazakh and Vietnamese). Here are English HTML versions of the most useful ones: * [[http://www.greenstone.org/manuals/gsdl2/en/html/Install_en_index.html|Installer's Guide]] describes in detail the installation process. * [[http://www.greenstone.org/manuals/gsdl2/en/html/User_en_index.html|User's Guide]] shows how to use existing collections and build new ones using the Librarian interface. * [[http://www.greenstone.org/manuals/gsdl2/en/html/Develop_en_index.html|Developer's Guide]] describes the collection building process and the structure of the runtime system. * [[http://www.greenstone.org/manuals/gsdl2/en/html/Paper_en_index.html|From Paper to Collection]] describes the entire process of creating a digital library collection from paper documents. This includes the scanning and OCR process and the use of the "Organizer". ===Greenstone FAQ=== The FAQ (**Frequently Asked Questions**) pages consist of a set of commonly asked questions and their answers. These cover issues such as installing, building collections, formatting etc. Part of the FAQ is [[User contributed|user contributed]], and registered users may add new entries there. ==== General documentation ==== [[General_Documentation |General documentation]] about Greenstone, for users and developers. A work in progress. === Tutorial exercises === **[[Tutorial exercises|Tutorial exercises]]** will teach you about many aspects of Greenstone, from installation to format statements; from writing a collection to CD-ROM to serving it on OAI, exporting it as METS, or converting it to and from DSpace; from harvesting Web documents to harvesting metadata over OAI. It will also take you through the detailed steps of building collections of html, word, pdf, images, mp3, marc records, and many more, including OCR'd newspaper images. Download the tutorial text and most of the sample files needed for the exercises. Download the sample files for tutorial exercises [[http://wiki.greenstone.org/gsdoc/tutorial/2.85/sample_files/sample_files_all.zip|here]] (65Mb). === Example Collections === **[[Example collections|Example collections]]** contains 11 documented example collections whose "about" page describes how they are constructed. They are fully documented in English, French, Spanish and Russian, and are an excellent resource for learning how to build common types of collections. Also, by choosing in the GLI to base a new collection on one of these collections you can inherit the style and formatting of the collection without having to recreate it. === Greenstone workshops === **[[Greenstone workshops|Workshops]]** focus on installing Greenstone and building collections with the Librarian Interface. Includes: * Introduction to the workshop (.html or .pdf) * Presentations (.pdf) * Lab instructions (.pdf) * Lab screenshots (.pdf) * Test files for several collections (including Word, PDF, HTML, JPG and GIF files) Please feel free to use these materials for learning -- or teaching! -- about Greenstone. ==== Greenstone3 ==== Information about our new version of Greenstone, [[Greenstone3 | Greenstone3]]. =====Community===== ====Mailing lists==== * Join one of the [[http://www.greenstone.org/mailing-lists|Greenstone mailing lists]] * Spanish language mailing list. Please send an email to [mailto://greenstone_es@freelists.org greenstone_es@freelists.org] saying that you want to subscribe. * Mailing list for Arabic community. Please visit [[http://www.freelists.org/list/greenstone4arab|http://www.freelists.org/list/greenstone4arab]] to subscribe. * French mailing list. Please visit [[http://www.freelists.org/list/greenstone_fr|http://www.freelists.org/list/greenstone_fr]] to subscribe. Post to [mailto://greenstone_fr@freelists.org greenstone_fr@freelists.org]. ====Blogs==== * [[http://www.greenstone.org/blog|Greenstone blog]] * [[Greenstone Blogging Instructions and Style Guide]] * [[http://planet.greenstone.org/| Planet Greenstone]] Aggregated blog posts about Greenstone from around the world. * [[http://arabicgsdlblog.blogspot.com/|Arabic Greenstone blog]] ====Regional support groups==== See also the mailing list and blog entries above for regional mailing lists and blogs. * [[http://www.eifl.net/cps/sections/services/eifl-foss/greenstone|Greenstone support for Southern Africa]] * [[http://greenstonesupport.iimk.ac.in/|Greenstone support for South Asia]] * [[http://www.greenstone-la.org/|Grupo de Usuarios Greenstone de Latinoamérica]] * [[http://www.greenstone.fr/|Greenstone en Français]] * [[Forming your own regional support group|Forming your own regional support group]] ====Software internationalization==== * [[Greenstone language support|Greenstone language support]] * [[Information for language maintainers|Information for language maintainers]] * Assistance language resources * [[Language-dependent text in Greenstone|Language-dependent text in Greenstone]] ===== Software development ===== * [[Install GSDL from SVN in Linux|Install GSDL from SVN in Linux]] * [[ReleaseKits|Release Kits]] ===== Related Projects ===== * [[http://yitznewton.org/emeraldview/|EmeraldView]] is an open-source PHP front end for Greenstone. Developed by Touro College Libraries. * [[http://www.maflt.org/products/Ibidem|Ibidem]] is a digital library system which focuses on the front-end data entry process. Exposes content via OAI-PMH so can be used to get content into Greenstone. Developed by Mission Aviation Fellowship - Learning Technologies.