//**This page is in the 'old' namespace, and was imported from our previous wiki. We recommend checking for more up-to-date information using the search box.**// ====== Greenstone Workshops ====== * [[Four day course 2009|Four day course]] Given at Pohnpel, Micronesia in May 2009. This workshop used Greenstone version 2.81. * [[Three day course 2008|Three day course]] Given at Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal in March 2008. This workshop used Greenstone version 2.80. * [[Five day course 2007|Five day course]] Given at University of Namibia, Namibia in October 2007. This workshop used Greenstone version 2.74. * [[Four day course 2007|Four day course]] Given at Suva, Fiji in June 2007. This workshop used Greenstone version 2.73. * [[Three day course 2006|Three day course]] Given at Honolulu, Hawaii in June 2006. This workshop used Greenstone version 2.70w. * Four day course Given at Bangkok, Thailand in February 2006 [[Four day course 2006|(schedule only)]]. This workshop used Greenstone version 2.63. * Four day course Given at Suva, Fiji in September 2005[[Four day course 2005|(schedule only)]]. This workshop used Greenstone version 2.61. * Three day course Given at Suva, Fiji in September 2004 [[Three day course 2004|(schedule only)]] . This workshop used Greenstone version 2.51f. * One day course Given at JCDL in Tucson in June 2004 [[One day course 2004|(schedule only)]] . This workshop used Greenstone version 2.51. * Three day course Given at Suva, Fiji in November 2003 [[Three day course 2003|(schedule only)]] . This workshop used Greenstone version 2.41. ==== Generating your own workshop ==== You can download most of these workshops by following links from the individual workshop pages. We recommend you start with the latest version and modify it to suit your time frame rather than choosing an older workshop. You can generate a custom set of exercises for your workshop by downloading the latest [[https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=12123&package_id=152231| tutorial exercises source package]]. Full instructions about generating a subset of the exercises are detailed in the README.html that is included with the package.