//**This page is in the 'old' namespace, and was imported from our previous wiki. We recommend checking for more up-to-date information using the search box.**// ====== Greenstone3 FAQ ====== **[[General information | General Information]]** **[[Obtaining_Greenstone3 | Obtaining Greenstone3]]** * Where do I get Greenstone3 from? * Are there binary distributions of Greenstone3 available? * Is Greenstone3 available on CD-ROM? * Is the Greenstone3 source code available through a Version Control System? **[[Installing_Greenstone3 | Installing Greenstone3]]** * How do I compile Greenstone3 from a source or SVN distribution? * I get errors during compilation - Help! * How do I load Greenstone3 as a project into Eclipse? * How do I install Greenstone3 on a Mac OS X? * How do I install the remote building facility for Greenstone3? * How do I install Greenstone 3 on 64 bit Windows 7? **Running Greenstone3** **Building Greenstone3 Collections** **[[Customizing_Greenstone3_Collections | Customizing your Collection ]]** *Adding collection-specific service text strings **[[Customizing your Greenstone3 library | Customizing Your Greenstone3 Library]]** * How can I add cross-collection searching? * How do Greenstone 3 format statements and skins work **Greenstone3 interoperability | Greenstone3 interoperability** * [[OAI_support#The_Greenstone_3_OAI_Server | Setting up the Greenstone3 OAI server ]]