**Greenstone 3.05 tutorial exercises (July 2012)** * These work with Greenstone 3.05. [[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/all_tutorials.html|Print version]] * For the latest versions of the tutorials, for Greenstone 2 and 3, see the [[en:tutorials| main tutorials]] page. * For other old versions, including Spanish, French and Russian translations of the 2.70 version, see the [[legacy:tutorials|Old Tutorials]] page. **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/small_html_collection.htm|Building a small collection of HTML files]]** * Running the Greenstone Librarian Interface * Starting a new collection * Adding documents to the collection * Building the collection * Viewing the extracted metadata * Setting up a shortcut in the Librarian interface **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/simple_image_collection.htm|A simple image collection]]** * Adding Title and Description metadata * Change Format Features to display new metadata * Changing the size of image thumbnails * Adding a browsing classifier based on Description metadata * Creating a searchable index based on Description metadata **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/word_pdf_collection.htm|A collection of Word and PDF files]]** * Viewing the extracted metadata * Manually adding metadata to documents in a collection * Document Plugins * Search indexes * Browsing classifiers **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/formatting_word_pdf.htm|Formatting the Word and PDF collection]]** * Tidying up the default format statement * Linking to Greenstone version or original version of documents * Making bookshelves show how many items they contain * Displaying multi-valued metadata * Advanced multi-valued metadata **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/pdfbox-extension.htm|Processing newer versions of PDF with PDFBox]]** **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/enhanced_pdf.htm|Enhanced PDF handling]]** * Modes in the Librarian Interface * Splitting PDFs into sections * Using image format * Using process_exp to control document processing (advanced) * Opening PDF files with query terms highlighted **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/enhanced_word.htm|Enhanced Word document handling]]** * Using Windows native scripting * Modes in the Librarian Interface * Defining styles * Removing pre-defined table of contents * Extracting document properties as metadata **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/associated_files.htm|Associated files: combining different versions of the same document together]]** **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/large_html_collection.htm|A large collection of HTML files—Tudor]]** * Extracting more metadata from the HTML * Looking at different views of the files in the Gather and Enrich panels **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/enhanced_html_collection.htm|Enhanced collection of HTML files—Tudor]]** * Adding hierarchically-structured metadata and a Hierarchy classifier * Adding a hierarchical phrase browser (PHIND) * Partitioning the full-text index based on metadata values * Controlling the building process **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/formatting_tudor.htm|Formatting the HTML collection—Tudor]]** **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/section_tagging.htm|Section tagging for HTML documents]]** **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/downloading_from_internet.htm|Downloading files from the web]]** **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/web_linking.htm|Pointing to documents on the web]]** **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/bibliography_collection.htm|Bibliographic collection]]** * Using fielded searching * Exploding the database * Reformatting the collection to use the exploded metadata **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/cds_isis.htm|CDS/ISIS collection]]** **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/multimedia_collection_explore.htm|Looking at a multimedia collection]]** **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/multimedia_collection_build.htm|Building a multimedia collection]]** * Manually correcting metadata * Browsing by media type * Suppressing dummy text * Using AZCompactList rather than List * Making bookshelves show how many items they contain * Adding a Phind phrase browser * Branding the collection with an image * Using UnknownPlugin * Cleaning up a title browser using regular expressions * Using non-standard macro files * Using different icons for different media types * Building a full-size version of the collection **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/scanned_image_collection.htm|Scanned image collection]]** * Grouping documents by series title and displaying dates within each group * Browsing documents by Date. * Searching at page level **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/advanced_scanned_image_collection.htm|Advanced scanned image collection]]** * Adding another newspaper to the collection * XML based item file **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/OAI_collection.htm|Open Archives Initiative (OAI) collection]]** * Tweaking the presentation with format statements **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/GS_OAI_server.htm|Setting up your Greenstone OAI Server]]** * Validating the Greenstone OAI server **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/OAI_downloading.htm|Downloading over OAI]]** * Downloading using the Librarian Interface * Downloading using the command line * Building the downloaded documents in GLI **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/METS_export.htm|Use METS as Greenstone's Internal Representation]]** **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/dspace_to_greenstone.htm|Moving a collection from DSpace to Greenstone]]** * Adding indexing and browsing capabilities to match DSpace's **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/greenstone_to_dspace.htm|Moving a collection from Greenstone to DSpace]]** * Using Greenstone from the command line **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/gems.htm|Editing metadata sets]]** * Running GEMS * Creating a new metadata set * Adding a new element to a metadata set **[[http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/gsdoc/tutorial/3.05/en/indexers.htm|Building and searching with different indexers]]** * Build with Lucene * Search with Lucene * Build with MGPP * Search with MGPP * Use search mode hotkeys with query term * A quick reference of the search mode hotkeys in MGPP