======Greenstone 2 User Management ====== =====Creating a new user===== You need to use the administration facility. You can access the administration page by clicking the **Administration Page** button on the home page of your Greenstone installation. If this is not present, enable it by setting **status** to **enabled** in the GSDLHOME/etc/main.cfg file. From the administration page you can list users and add new users by clicking the links down the left hand side of the page. You will need to use the admin account that was set up when you installed Greenstone. You can change the properties of an existing user by clicking the edit link from the list users page. If you are adding users to access a protected collection, make sure you add the required group into the groups field. =====Forgotten Password===== (With instructions by Diego Spano.) User account details are stored in etc/users.gdb. There are several ways in which to reset your admin account's password. If you have the admin account's authentication details, you can reset the password for other users. **Option 1** In greenstone/bin/script you have a perl script called "csv-usernames-to-db.pl". This program converts username details (password, group information etc) into the format used by Greenstone, and stores them in etc/users.gdb. Do the following: 1. Create a text file named myusers.csv and add the following line inside: Tom,123456,administrator 2. open a terminal 3. move to Greenstone root folder. 4. Run setup.bat (Windows) or setup.bash 5. Run "perl -S csv-usernames-to-db.pl /path_to_file/myusers.csv" With this script you will create a user named Tom, with password "123456" that belongs to administrator´s group. Log in with Tom and now you will be able to edit admin user and change his password. This way you will not delete all the other users you had defined previously. **Option 2** 1. If you're admin, then open a terminal. To set the admin password on Linux, you can run: ./gsicontrol.sh configure-admin and on Windows: gsicontrol.sh configure-admin 2. If your admin account is working fine, then make sure you've enabled the Administration pages. You can do this by opening etc/main.cfg in a text editor and changing the line that says: status disabled to status enabled 3. Go to your Greenstone home page, click on the //Administration Page// button and, in the page that then loads, click on the //List Users// link to the left. 4. Login with the admin account. Then select the user whose password you want to reset by pressing the Edit button and filling in the new details. **Option 3** Delete the file greenstone/etc/users.gdb. Then go to admin page and log in with user admin. The password now defaults to "admin". Once logged in you can change your password. With this method you get access to the system but you are deleting all the other users you had defined.