====== Greenstone3 URLs====== URLs are greatly simplified in Greenstone3. Using URL rewriting, Greenstone3's URLs are logical, short, and informative. For example, the URL for a document page in a Greenstone2 collection will look something like this: http://localhost:8283/greenstone/cgi-bin/library.cgi?e=d-01000-00---off-0games--00-1----0-10-0---0---0direct-10---4-------0-1l--11-en-50---20-about---00-3-1-00-00--4--0--0-0-11-10-0utfZz-8-00&a=d&c=games&cl=CL1&d=HASH017893f810ba88942720384e In Greenstone3, the URL for a document page will look like this: http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/library/collection/lucene-jdbm-demo/document/ec159e So, as this example shows, you can easily access any document in any collection in a library simply by navigating to ''http://localhost:8383/greenstone3//collection//document/''. \\ ^Library URL patterns^Description^ |//All URL patterns are preceded by ''http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/''//|| |''''|The homepage of the library (the default library name is ''library'')| |''/collection//page/help''| Help page for library | |''/collection//page/pref'' or ''/collection//page/pref''| Preferences page for library | |''/collection//page/help''| Help page for collection | |''/collection//page/about''|'About' page for collection| |''/collection//browse/''|Browsing classifiers (classifier numbers look like ''CL1'', ''CL2.3'', ''CL2.3.5'')| |''/collection//search/''|Search pages (possible search types include ''AdvancedFieldQuery'', ''TextQuery'', and ''FieldQuery'')| |''/collection//search/TextQuery''|Cross-collection search page| ===== Server URL ===== The server URL consists of three parts: the tomcat base URL which is the machine IP name/address plus port, the ''context'' for Greenstone3, and the servlet name: ''//'' By default, the Greenstone3 tomcat server runs on ''http://localhost:8383'' and the Greenstone3 servlets are located at ''http://localhost:8383/greenstone3''. Default servlets include ''library'' and ''oaiserver''. The context part is 'technically' set by the name of the file in ''greenstone3/packages/tomcat/conf/Catlina/localhost'', which is, by default ''greenstone3.xml''. HOWEVER, every time you start the server, ''Greenstone3/build.xml'' copies this the file from ''Greenstone3/resources/tomcat'' into the correct folder. To change the context, change the greenstone.context variable in ''Greenstone3/build.properties''. # The context name of your GS3 digital library. By default this will be "greenstone3". Ensure this has a value. greenstone.context=greenstone3 When you restart the server, a new file will be created for the new context name, and copied into the Tomcat folder. ===== Arguments ===== |descendants=1|On hierarchical browse pages, this will display with page with all levels of all sections expanded| |o=xml|Displays the raw information coming from the Message Router.| |o=xmlfinal|Displays the information coming from the Message Router after the second config_format pass.| |o=skindoc|Simplified Skin XSL with Expanded GSF statements appended.| |o=skinandlib|An XML document with a root element called skinAndLibraryXsl and the two children skinXsl and libraryXsl. The libraryXsl, which already includes util.xsl, is merely appended.| |o=skinandlibdoc|The result of applying preprocess.xsl to skinandlib produces this stylesheet which is the final XSL document that will be applied to the XML data returned from the message router.| |formatedit=on|Web interface editor for editing Greenstone3 format statements.| |a=s&sa=c|Refresh all the collection configuration files: Reconfigures the whole site. Reads in siteConfig.xml, reloads all the collections.| ''o'' is output Find more information on arguments: ''Greenstone3 -> src -> java -> org -> greenstone -> gsdl3 -> action'' ===== Additional Resources ===== * [[en:user:gs3_sample_format_statements#linking_metadata_to_a_search|Linking metadata values to a search for that metadata]]